
< MozCamp

The idea with MozCamp is to reach people passionate about the web, help them learn about new ideas and get them connected to each other.

The following is possible list of sessions and topics aimed at this audience. It's far from a definitive list. More just a starting point to suggest sessions you might include in your camp. You can also look at past agendas for ideas.



  • An intro piece on what is the open web and why does it matter?. Depending on audience, could be more presentation vs. more discussion. (needs template presentation)
  • Inspiring, TED-like talk about where the open web is headed, and what the threats are. This could look at emerging big issues like mobile and data.
  • 5 minute speedgeek / lightning presentations demoing cool new stuff from Mozilla and open web projects. Everything from Firefox to new stuff from Labs to audience specific add on packs, XUL platform projects like Miro ... and maybe even local open source or open web projects (e.g. Creative Commons, Electronic Frontier Foundation).(needs template explaining how to organize)
  • Hands on workshops by whatever Mozilla community people are around. Localization. Marketing. Manifesto. Add on development. Also, similar hands on workshops by other local people and projects. Embedding CC metadata. Running online participatory projects. An so on.
  • Broader talks about what happens on the web and how people can benefit from it. Website aggregators, RSS, wikis, social networks, cloud text editors etc.
  • Talks that educate people on how to use Internet safely and wisely. Phishing and how to avoid it. Vendor lock in and how to avoid it. Data format locks and how to escape them. (may need templates, but lower priority)
  • Discussions or workshops on how to promote these benefits of the open web locally. Working w/ city council. Working w/ schools. Evangelizing to the media. This might result in other events or evangelism that participants take out to a broader audience. (will need to make sure these happen in some early events, and then blog and document so others get the idea)
  • Small sprints or hands on projects with specific local relevance, like localizing the Manifesto, developing an add on or coming up with an open web strategy for a local NGO, school or government department. Need the right local people around to make this happen. (could template or have example sprints organized)
  • A strong party and social component where people just get to know each other and have fun.

Mozilla Labs Concept Series stuff. Need specific ideas from Mozilla Labs on how to include.


  • RFiD
  • Phishing
  • Social networks


  • Demythologize viruses

Modern technologies

  • use of wikis,blogs,micro blogging in your project
  • cloud computing
    • making sure your data is portable and safe
    • Mozilla experiments w/ things like weave
    • participant discussion of what they think freedom and openness look like int he cloud
  • mobile internet
    • barriers to a mobile open web
    • Mozilla's efforts (and products) to an open mobile web
  • searching in the Internet

Internet Society

  • What is an open web?
    • Discussion of the Mozilla Manifesto
    • Local examples or even translations
  • Organizing participatory online projects
    • Tips and experiences from Mozilla
      • wikis, blogs, irc, module ownership, dividing up work, sharing results
    • Tips and experience from (local) Wikipedia(ns)
    • Workshop: coaching a local organization to use participatory online organizing techniques
  • Organic activism
  • Obama community organization
  • Wikipedia world
  • Open licensing and you
    • What it means in open source software
    • Licensing the data you put in the cloud (e.g. CC on Flickr)


  • Vendor Lock In
  • Switch barrier
  • Proprietary data formats


  • How to make your website accessible
  • Why accessibility is important
  • Who are your users
  • What are the low hanging fruits


  • Mozilla as a learning environment
    • How mentorship and tech learning happens in an open source project
    • Opportunities for students to get involved in Mozilla
  • Did you Know 2008
  • Ken Robinson at TED on how schools kill creativity
  • Brainstorms on getting Firefox and other open source software into local schools
  • Presentations by local open educational content projects