
< Contribute

Logo 0002 68.png Guides Program
Owner: Pathways Updated: Frequently
A project to empower volunteers by guiding them through the contribution process.
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The page may be difficult to navigate, and some information on its subject might be incomplete and/or evolving rapidly.
If you have any questions or ideas, please add them as a new topic on the discussion page.


Mozilla Guides: A Project by the Mozilla Pathways Working Group

Problem Statement

  • We have several kinds of mentors at Mozilla for people in established pathways (reps mentors, SUMO buddies, coding mentors... TRIBE mentors..)
  • We have a huge issue with bounce from the get involved page and bounce from new contributors in general
  • We have people who welcome brand new contributors but little formal structure around it


Create a guides program to guide new contributors from casual contributor to active contributor. Do this is a measurable, scalable way.


  • Pathways WG
  • CBT
  • Project owners (in particular. Should we run a test pilot?)


Previous Research/Stakeholder Discussions

Key Progress Indicators

  1. A forum people could join right away when they're interested to learn, staffed by guides (Discourse for the pilot program)
  2. Guides/community who can get the Firefox suggestions and "other queues" properly moving again. This is a group of people, not necessarily stewards. Think like "Army of Awesome" style. The new CMS will make that easier.
  3. *Most importantly* guides get assigned to new folks who have come in and done a qualifying task but need support getting more fully connected to a pathway.


Project Lifecycle

Other Links

A group of mentors who may be the first people to reach out to for guides

Pathways Mentoring Discussion