
Iloko (ilo, ilo-PH)

Browser/toolkit acting owner 
Joseph S. Maza <joemaza@comcast.net> - CVS access: Not yet

Team website:http://mozilla.locamotion.org/ilo/

  • The language is still in approval stages
  • Forming team
  • Informing others interested
  • Creating tools

Active team members

Name Email Role Hg Access? SVN Access?
Your Name yourname@example.com Toolkit/Browser Owner YES; Level 1 L10n (Add link to bug) YES (Add link to bug)
row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2 row 2, cell 3 row 2, cell 4 row 2, cell 5

Localizers in training

Name Email Project assignment
Your Name yourname@example.com SUMO localization
row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2 row 2, cell 3

Active projects

Which mozilla projects is your community actively localizing? Please add links to dashboards for these projects.

L10n kit

Please list here the tools your team uses, as well as links to your L10n assets (e.g., translation memories, termbases, style guides, etc.).


Translation Memory
Style Guide

How to join this l10n team

Five steps for newcomers to learn how to join your l10n team

Team communication

Finally, include the following line with your locale code at the end of your page:
<noinclude>[[category:L10n Teams|your_locale_code]]</noinclude>
This ensures that your team's page is indexed in the Teams directory on wiki.mozilla.org/L10n:Teams.