15 years campaign ideas session

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Overview of Session

Title of Session: 15 years (of Mozilla) campaign ideas session


  • Barbara Hueppe
  • Valerie Ponell

Are you paid or volunteer staff?: Paid staff / EU Communications

Area of Contribution: Engagement / Communications

How are you currently involved with the community?: Yes, as paid staff

Location of Work (where do you reside?): Berlin, Germany

Talk Length: 90 min

Summary: In Q1 / 2013 we can celebrate 15 years of Mozilla. This is a great opportunity for both press outreach and fun community activities. During this session, we would like to share our ideas to date, get feedback and develop additional ideas we can deploy across the globe as we celebrate this milestone.

- discuss what type of testimonials around 15 years of Mozilla we could produce and how to present them (e.g. video testimonials, HTML5 celebration apps, Celebration Add-Ons, testimonial quilt (Atul's quilt page) etc.) - draft list of who would be a good testimonial for 15 years outside of staff and Moz Fest attendies, e.g. industry influencers, celebreties that are using Mozilla products, .... - collect list the most significant 15 milestones in Mozilla's history - discuss and create process to design a 15 year Mozilla celebration T-shirt / logo or similar SWAG - braindtorm 15 years of Mozilla stunt ideas: What could we do, who could organize, when we might do what and in what countries? What works internationally, what would be a great hook locally? - create wishlist for a 15 year digital marketing pack ( logos, messaging, infographics, video testimonials, posters etc.) - discuss timelines, assign names for project leads, agree on infrastructure to use, ...

How your session furthers the MozCamp Goals: Opportunity to collect testimonial quotes + much more :-)

Expected Outcome or Deliverable: "Reality check" for ideas we already work on, creation / brainstorm of new ideas or extensions to things we already work on, have concrete plans and list of next steps for community and jointly driven activities around 15 years.

Desired Audience Type or Skill-set: Anyone that sees the potential of an anniversary for some fun and creative marketing, PR and community activities

Equipment Needs (Video projector already included): Flip charts, pens + cards for brainstorming, video camera


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