Breakpad/Status Meetings/2016-12-21

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Meeting Info

Breakpad status meetings occur on Wed at 10:00am Pacific Time.

Conference numbers:

   Vidyo: Stability 
   650-903-0800 x92 conf 98200#
   800-707-2533 (pin 369) conf 98200# 

IRC backchannel: #breakpad
Mountain View: Dancing Baby (3rd floor)

Operations Updates

  • shipped a release yesterday
  • adrian would like to do one tomorrow
    • lots of changes building up
    • adrian and miles will be around, but not overlapping
    • we are not going ahead with a change
  • lonnen will notify stability@ of change freeze
  • New ES dashboard

Project Updates

Major Projects

Splitting out collector

  • (willkg) antenna -dev environment is working
  • (miles and willkg) need to figure out how to run system tests in the -dev environment--will happen next year
  • (mbrandt) working on implementing the load tests

Deprecation rampage

  • on track, two PRs are up to remove the remaining web pages
  • deprecated api endpoints email went out
    • waiting on answers
    • not anticipating responses
    • will proceed next year
  • In January, will remove impl and middleware
  • Peter is working on removing the last dependency on the crashes per adu matview
  • Can we deprecate the page?
    • put a notice linking to the equivalent telemetry page
    • leave that for two weeks, 3XX to the new page after

e2e tests

Processor rewrite

  • got feedback on first sketch, thank you
  • no significant changes
  • going ahead this week and next on writing the rest of it into a v0.1

Signature generation hacking

  • no update
  • going to try to make writing signature generation rules easier
  • open to ideas, still sketching solutions

other business

Travel, etc

  • peterbe out all remaining workdays of December
  • willkg taking december 28th through 30th off
