CIDuty/How To

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High Pending Counts
Pending Scriptworker Tasks
Puppet Freshness
Virtual Machines
Add a new disk to an EC2 instance
Manage AWS instances
AWS loaners
Loan an AWS Machine
Loan an OSX Worker
Test a Patch
Quarantine instances
Quarantine multiple instances using python code
Set up or Update a Taskcluster Project
Query Historical Task Analytics:
Set up a new Heroku service
Have a Postmortem/Retrospective
Tree Management
Close or Open the Tree
Push to Try Server
Hardware Workers
AWS Instances
Escalate AWS Pending Tests
Restart/Ping from taskcluster
Investigate Audit Logs
Other Tasks
Upload a Python Package to the Internal Pypi
Upload a Package/Binary to ToolTool
Add new secrets to Puppet Hiera
Work with PyUp Dependency Update PRs
Heroku CLI
See Also
Relevant ciduty bugs that would be suitable for training
Deprecated / Archived
Machine Tracking
How to loan servers - New step-by-step guide
Loan a Machine
Grant VPN Access
Perform a Reconfig
Work with Golden AMIs
Build DEBs
Build DMGs
Build RPMs
Hack on PuppetAgain
Push Changes to Production
Rotate Passwords across Releng Infra
Setup a User Environment
Update Mercurial
Restore Azure Table/Blob from Backup
Modify Gecko Branch Configuration (including twig resets)
Provision taskcluster-worker on Packet
Connect to Taskcluster CLI
Connect and Troubleshoot workers in CI