
< CloudServices‎ | Meetings
  • Release schedule
    • Code freeze (for blockers): Apr 30 (Delayed, new date: May 4)
    • Registration server code complete: Apr 30 (Done)
    • String Freeze: Apr 30 (Delayed, new date: May 4)
    • H/W set up complete and configured: May 5
    • Load testing doneĀ : May 13
    • l10n complete: May 11
    • Security reviews done: May 10
    • RC release date: May 12
    • QA release sign off: May 13
    • Unit tests for Primary done: May 10
    • Web content finalized and staged: May 13
    • PR/Announcement complete and finalized: May 13
    • GA date: May 17, 2010

  • Agenda:
    • From last week:
      • Outage update (zandr)
      • Metrics requirements (mrz/ragavan)
      • uTest contract done? (mevans/tchung)
      • 1.2.3 (mconnor)
    • Updates:
      • Client
      • Sync Server
      • Reg Server
      • Ops
      • QA
        • Client
          • Testing for 1.3b3 is in progress. Most issues found have been in the account manager. Some blockers and some polish bugs. Devs fix turn around has been quick. We will switch to testing on 1.3b4 when it becomes available.
          • Can we get large profile generated for bug 562404?
          • Tracy on call for jury duty May 10-14 Will know status day to day starting evening of May 7
        • Live User LoadTest
        • Crossweave
          • python test runner complete; can now run basic bookmark tests end-to-end
          • still waiting on captcha-less account creation support in the weave client, see bug 561391
      • Marketing


  • Outage last week because of a doubled up host. Some of the checks didn't catch it (intermittent 503s are not triggering nagios checks).
  • Are we reporting 503s properly in the client?
  • We need better documentation on who is handling pages and what to do?
  • AI: mrz will own updating the runbook for production.
  • AI: mrz will own the metrics.
  • uTest contract is signed and done. mevans is going to talk to them today.
  • client is looking really good. beta4 should be out today.
  • pretty close to being string frozen as well.
  • Sync server is ready to go. RC1 is on stage.
  • Registration is also pushed on stage.
  • All the h/w is installed, we are still on track for being done tomorrow.
  • QA needs a large profile (Tracy on jury duty next week).
  • Load testing scripts needs time from mhanson.