Desktop Onboarding Telemetry Tracking

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In order to enhance further desktop onboarding users' experience, telemetry is definitely a good choice to collect useful data.

Below are bugs tracked by [meta] bugs of Desktop Onboarding Telemetry mechanism.

Onboarding Telemetry

Live search result on Bugzilla

Triage needed bug list

Full Query
ID Summary Status Target milestone Priority Resolution Assigned to Qa contact
1388648 [meta] [Onboarding] [Telemetry] Add telemetry probe and build dashboard for the Onboarding tour RESOLVED --- P1 FIXED
1412164 add new tour_type and timestamp column for onboarding telemetry RESOLVED Firefox 58 P3 FIXED
1412255 Add bubble_stat and notification_stat column for onboarding telemetry RESOLVED --- P2 DUPLICATE
1412257 track open/close/click events for onboarding telemetry RESOLVED --- P3 DUPLICATE
1413830 Data schema change for onboarding telemetry RESOLVED Firefox 59 P1 FIXED
1417769 collect onboarding-noshow-smallscreen and overlay-disappear-resize event for onboarding telemetry NEW --- P2
1418167 validate data before send for onboarding telemetry RESOLVED Firefox 59 P1 FIXED
1418191 Should not send the CTA telemetry event ping when tours have no CTA button RESOLVED Firefox 59 P1 FIXED
1418194 Should send the CTA telemetry event ping for the Sync tour when the CTA button is clicked RESOLVED --- P1 INVALID
1418197 Should not send the CTA telemetry event ping twice when user clicks the CTA button and the CTA lifecycle is not yet done NEW --- P3
1419995 build dashboard based on the new telemetry data for the Onboarding tour NEW --- P3
1419996 remove NEW_TABLE flag and legacy code for the onboarding telemetry RESOLVED Firefox 60 P3 FIXED Michael Kohler [:mkohler]

12 Total; 3 Open (25%); 9 Resolved (75%); 0 Verified (0%);

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