Engagement/Developer Engagement/MDNEvents

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MDN Events

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The concept behind MDN Events is to wage a guerrilla campaign to opportunistically stage events that leverage Mozilla's global presence and reach out to the web developer community. If there is an existing Mozilla event, space, or work week *or* key 3rd party event happening that is located somewhere interesting, we will leverage that existing event or space and stage an MDN event.

Hack Days

MDN Hack days are 1-day events comprising of morning lightning talks from Mozillians on Mozilla projects & open web technology, followed by an afternoon of hacking and collaboration. Participants should show up ready to write some include on their wifi-capable laptop, and hosts should be able to handle or appropriately direct questions from participants in order to enable the hacking.



Sample schedule:

  • 09:00AM: Included Breakfast! & Coffee!
  • 09:30AM: Opening remarks & Lightning talk sign-up
  • 10:00AM: Lightning talks
  • 12:00PM: Included Lunch & project idea proposals
  • 01:00PM: Project hacking
  • 05:00PM: wind-down, beer, project demos
  • 06:00PM: optional dinner & drinks somewhere nearby!

Inspirational Models:

  • Addon SDK Hack Day
  • World Series of Hack?


Sessions are afternoon or evening events made up of 30-45 minute talks given by a mix of Mozillians and others on Mozilla projects & open web technology. A major key to success will often be to partner with a web-oriented meetup group already active in the local community to help facilitate promotion and space.

Sample schedule:

  • 05:30PM: doors open, pizza is served, lightning talk sign-up
  • 06:15PM: introductory remarks
  • 06:30PM: lightning talks
  • 07:15PM: first talk
  • 08:00PM: second talk
  • 08:45PM: third talk
  • 09:30PM: fourth talk
  • 10:15PM: closing remarks, prizes, beer plan

Inspirational Model:

  • Super VanJS event

Hacker Lounges

MDN Hacker lounges are spaces sponsored by MDN at either 3rd party conferences or Mozilla events such as MozCamp or the Mozilla Suummit. MDN Hacker Lounges should contain all of the key ingredients that catalyze hacking sessions.

We should target hacker Lounges at key open-web centric events such as ( but not limited to ) Chris Williams' JS-oriented events, OSBridge, major web dev events in europe if possible, both 2012 MozCamps *and* the Mozilla Summit.

Hacker Lounges should:

  • be able to host ad-hoc hacking sessions as well as organized sprints.
  • have copious amounts of swag
  • have contests for premium swag

Inspirational Model:

  • MDN hacker Lounge at JSConf.eu

Doc Sprints

Doc Sprints are gatherings of MDN docs contributors to work either at a specific location or virtual at a specific time to write documentation.

See /MDN/Doc_Sprints for info about planned and past sprints.

Key Ingredients for success

  • working wifi
  • comfortable seating and standing options
  • whiteboards
  • plentiful power options
  • mobile devices to test with
  • snacks & caffeine
  • resident hackers to help people
  • near, but not directly in a high-traffic area

The MDN Tour

The MDN Tour is a series of MDN Hack Days within a given region. The concept allows for Core Event Team, made up of a couple of Principal Evangelists, Technical Speakers and an Event Manager to go from country to country, replicating the sessions. In addition to the Core Team, local speakers are invited to join the MDN Hack Day in their city.

Our goal is to reach hundreds of Web Developers over a period of 10-14 days.

Upcoming MDN Tour Dates

Past Events