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The list of mozChromeEvents which is used by System app

event type used at (System app) send by (Gecko file) description
home-button-pressed hardware_buttons.js shell.js
home-button-released hardware_buttons.js shell.js
sleep-button-pressed hardware_buttons.js shell.js
sleep-button-released hardware_buttons.js shell.js
volume-up-button-pressed hardware_buttons.js shell.js
volume-up-button-released hardware_buttons.js shell.js
volume-down-button-pressed hardware_buttons.js shell.js
volume-down-button-released hardware_buttons.js shell.js
handle-crash crash_report.js shell.js for both chrome process and content process
system-first-paint init_logo_handler.js shell.js Dispatched after first mozAfterPaint event fired.
webapps-registry-ready applications.js shell.js webapps registry ready to use
webapps-ask-install app_install_manager.js shell.js
bluetooth-volumeset sound_manager.js shell.js bluetooth volume change
desktop-notification notification.js shell.js
remote-debugger-prompt remote_debugger.js shell.js
take-screenshot-success screenshot.js shell.js
take-screenshot-error screenshot.js shell.js
captive-portal-login captive_portal.js shell.js
captive-portal-login-abort captive_portal.js shell.js
geolocation-status statusbar.js shell.js indicating if an app requests geolocation information, including watching position.
headphones-status-changed sound_manager.js
audio-channel-changed sound_manager.js
shell.js the highest priority active channel changed including the audio played by background apps
default-volume-channel-changed sound_manager.js shell.js the audio channel for foreground app changed. This event may be dispatched when an app is shown or hidden and this app changes its default volume channel.
visible-audio-channel-changed visibility_manager.js shell.js the highest priority active channel changed only the audio played by foreground apps
recording-status media_recording.js
shell.js the change of media recording status, including video and mic
volume-state-changed statusbar.js shell.js usb mass storage active or not
activity-choice activities.js ActivityGlue.js
open-payment-confirmation-dialog payment.js PaymentGlue.js Chrome asks Gaia to show the payment request confirmation dialog.
open-payment-flow-dialog payment.js PaymentGlue.js Chrome asks Gaia to show the payment flow according to the payment request selected by the user.
close-payment-flow-dialog payment.js PaymentGlue.js Chrome ask Gaia to close the payment flow
id-dialog-open identity.js SignInToWebsite.jsm to open a login dialog for persona
id-dialog-done identity.js SignInToWebsite.jsm to close a login dialog for persona
id-dialog-close-iframe identity.js SignInToWebsite.jsm to remove iframe of login dialog
update-error updatable.js UpdatePrompt.js An error occurred during system updating
update-download-started updatable.js UpdatePrompt.js
update-download-progress updatable.js UpdatePrompt.js
update-download-stopped updatable.js UpdatePrompt.js the download had stopped no matter it has error or not.
update-downloaded updatable.js UpdatePrompt.js The download is finished.
update-prompt-apply updatable.js UpdatePrompt.js Show a prompt message to user to apply the update
update-available update_manager.js UpdatePrompt.js dispatched when a system update available.
inputmethod-showall keyboard_manager.js Keyboard.jsm
inputmethod-next keyboard_manager.js Keyboard.jsm
inputmethod-contextchange keyboard_manager.js Keyboard.jsm
permission-prompt prompt_manager.js ContentPermissionPrompt.js shows when app requests a permission

The list of mozChromeEvents which are not used by System app

event type send by (Gecko file) description
back-button-pressed shell.js android back key, it should be removed
back-button-released shell.js android back key, it should be removed
menu-button-pressed shell.js android menu key, it should be removed
menu-button-released shell.js android menu key, it should be removed
headset-button-pressed shell.js button at headset, it is used by dailer app
headset-button-released shell.js button at headset, it is used by dailer app
media-next-track-button-pressed shell.js
media-next-track-button-released shell.js
media-previous-track-button-pressed shell.js
media-previous-track-button-released shell.js
media-pause-button-pressed shell.js
media-pause-button-released shell.js
media-play-button-pressed shell.js
media-play-button-released shell.js
media-play-pause-button-pressed shell.js
media-play-pause-button-released shell.js
media-stop-button-pressed shell.js
media-stop-button-released shell.js
media-rewind-button-pressed shell.js
media-rewind-button-released shell.js
media-fast-forward-button-pressed shell.js
media-fast-forward-button-released shell.js
inter-app-comm-select-app shell.js
fullscreen-origin-change shell.js
webapps-registry-start shell.js webapps registry start to load
apps-update-check WebappsUpdater.jsm to tell which apps need to be updated.