
< L10n:Planning

Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Monday, 8 AM PST, conf bridge 206
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

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Previous Action Items


Meeting Notes

  • Notetaker:
  • Attendees:
  • Agenda Brussels
  • Mobile update
  • MultilingualWeb, GNUnify
  • Put your talking points here.

Action Items




goal for this week:

planned for this week:

done last week:


goal for this week:

planned for this week:

done last week:


goals for this week:

  • provide proposal for l20n in Jetpack
  • clean up l20n JS code
  • JSM and Jetpack modules
  • update C++ patches

planned for this week:

  • finalize l20n-xml API and clientside lib

done last week:

  • finalized l20n-xml API and clientside lib
  • test for l20n-xml


goal for this week:

planned for this week:

  • Elmo home page copy: get feedback from community: Bug 716604.
  • q1 one-day tools experiment (couldn't get to it last week).
  • Bug 706572.
  • Get rid of https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Bootstrapping_a_New_Locale.
  • Updates to Narro tutorial (Bug 718951).
  • Update Localizing with Mercurial tutorial: Bug 708410
  • Migrate Mozilla Translator tutorial and update it: Bug 706991

done last week:

  • Created first draft of template and guide for starting new L10n program/project. (L10n:NewProjects)
  • Figure out mobile testing.
  • Make travel arrangements once chofmann gives the go.
  • Meet with arky & Pike about accounts listed in new tutorial.
  • Blog post(s): events, mobile announcement draft, Pascal bio.
  • Meeting with Kate Naszradi about helping with MozCamp LATAM.
  • Quick start guide is now out of draft.
  • Add info about most used Ffx strings into quick start guide.
  • Enable multi-authorship on blog (filed this bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=719473)
  • Create blog posting schedule to include arky's event notices (https://wiki.mozilla.org/L10n:Blog)
  • Create plan for increasing traffic to L10n blog (contacted Chrissie Brodigan concerning Bug 704601 as she's part of the redesign for all mozilla blogs for the purpose of increasing traffic to these blogs)
  • Clean out bugzilla bugs - closed out 5.
  • Made travel arrangements for Brussels.
  • Completed Bug 704865.
  • elmo copy on teams page: provided input for copy Bug 718980.


goal for this week:

planned for this week:

done last week:


goal for this week:

planned for this week:

  • LSV cleanup
  • Reviewing current set of locales for p12n

done last week:

  • Affiliates
    • Release + post-release
    • Banners translations
    • Contributed with a patch
  • Mozillians
    • Release preparation
  • Productization
    • Getting all locales reviewed
    • Assamese into beta(waiting for feedback), Kashubian preparing for de-beta
  • Elmo
    • getting familiar with codebase
    • webdashboard research


goal for this week:

planned for this week:

  • work on download pages variants (/fx, /speed, /bookmarks, /happy, /new)
  • help Milos on Affiliate if time permits

done last week:


  • FirefoxFlicks in Persian
  • Pushed new es-ES newsletter page in production along with a rewrite/cleanup of the underlying code for all newsletters.
  • gu-IN catching up (plugincheck + new download page)
  • new Afrikaans download page
  • Many updates pushed, especiually from es-MX with Mauricio who caught up other es-* locales, and Bulgarian after their QA day
  • Various CSS fixes in the menus due to changes of strings by localizers

On stage

  • Updated patch in Bug 717608 to also debeta Serbian
  • New /speed download page, also working on /happy and /bookmarks for top locales
  • Simplified template (header/footer) that can be activated with an on/off flag in the code for pages such as /speed


  • Web accessibility meetup last saturday in the Paris office, about 20 geeks gathered to work on improving accessibility in computing and Firefox/websites in particular.
  • Worked with Benoit and Goofy on slogans to use for Affiliate buttons


  • Helped Kadir evaluate the level of his new locale leader for French
  • Meeting with Tristan to talk about the localization in 4 European locales of his future blog about the Mozilla Mission
  • Some outreach in bugs for Affiliates
  • Started looking at the new universal button code


planned for this week:

done last week:

  • elmo pushes patch updated
  • compare-locales release


goal for this week:

planned for this week:

done last week: