L20n/Weekly Update/2012-08-20

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Meeting Details

  • 9:00 AM Mountain View Time (UTC -7)
  • 650-903-0800 x92 Conf# 206 (US/INTL)
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n for backchannel
  • Attendees: Pike, Jeff, Gandalf, Staś

Talking points

  • browser project update
  • js compiler update
  • test cases?


  • stas writing doc on js compiler, which is done. It's very fast :-)
  • stas wrote a 200+ test cases for compiler.
  • stas hooked L20n up to browser app in Gaia.
    • discussion of public api and langauge negotiation
      • stas to write proposal for how lang neg should work
    • had to hardcode browser into French

Action items

  • finish docs this week
  • public api with gandalf
  • start thinking about test cases for other things
  • refactor l20n bindings
  • parser performance
  • grabbing up low hanging fruit
  • talk to Zach Carter about parser

Features update: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ah9TBa-qpKojdFlBcGprQnQ1ZGo0akI2V3ctazRud3c#gid=0