MediaWiki talk:Cavendish.css

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Bugzilla links

The Cavendish skin currently puts little padlock icons next to every https: link on a page. The skin could be configured to place little Bugzilla mascot icons after links to Bugzilla, so that these links would be easier to identify. The following code could be used in this stylesheet:

#mBody a[href ^=""] {
     background: url("") center right no-repeat;
     padding-right: 16px;

This code was based on the main Cavendish CSS file. It would probably help to replace with the URL of a locally-installed image, converted to GIF or PNG format.

Also, while I'm at it, Wikipedia has a special syntax for links to MediaZilla (its Bugzilla installation): [[Bugzilla:#]], where # is the bug number. Can this be configured here too?

 – Minh Nguyễn (talk, contribs, blog) 11:27, 24 Mar 2005 (PST)