Mozillians/TaskBoard/1.0/Task Admin

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The TaskBoard allows for tasks to be siphoned from sources such as Bugzilla and (hopefully) Github, but community and project leads may also want to create tasks that are independent of any siphon-able sources. This will also for greater flexibility in types of opportunities offered (and "Jobs" in the future) as well as their administration. The people who have the capability to access and add tasks to the dashboard will be phonebook users who have the "staff" group attached to their account.

Add Tasks

Vouched Mozillians with the "Staff" group should be allowed to create tasks within the first iteration of the TaskBoard. The task form will be a lightweight form that ties the task-creator to the administration of the task as well as set that creator as the mentor.

Edit Tasks

Once tasks are created by a "staff" phonebook user, they should be able to edit those same tasks. We are going for lightweight here, so creating an instance it via a "My Tasks" list or simply highlight

Remove Tasks

Once tasks are created by a "staff" phonebook user, they should be able to delete those same tasks. To do so, any tasks known as created by the logged-in user should have a deletion button in the list and expanded view. On deletion, the task should be removed from the list and set in the "Deleted" state.