Mozillians/TaskBoard/1.0/Task Conduit

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The Mozilla community has a number of avenues which offer contributors tasks to get involved (e.g. Bugzilla's "good first bugs", SUMO's "un-answered threads", AMO's "add-ons not reviewed"). Further, we have external project-hosting sites such as Github that have a number of issue trackers which are still tasks to perform in the Mozilla community. We don't need to re-invent the wheel and force team leads and community leads to create new tasks within this app; these tasks should be automagically populated onto the list (and off when they're completed).


  1. Consumer apps should be able to create, update, and finish tasks programmatically (examples: SUMO or MDN documents that need updating; dev-doc-needed bugs; maybe support questions on SUMO. Mentored Bugs on bugzilla, add-ons in need of review on AMO; Testruns to run on CaseConductor (when its ready))
  2. Consumer apps should be able to read task data.

Use Cases

Bugzilla - "Good First Bug"

Using Bugzilla's REST API, the app will grab any bugs with the whiteboard entry of "[good first bug]" and display information (i.e. mentor, product/component, timelines/deadlines, coding experience needed, etc.) as necessary.


Using GitHub's issue API, we should show any issues shown on /mozilla organization repos within the taskboard.


There are a number of un-answered threads on the Support Forums for our major products such as Firefox/Fennec. The development team should be able to display those un-answered support threads onto the TaskBoard and allow for users to easily find them and answer them in quickly and accurately.

Writable API

Teams and projects should have the ability to add content onto the TaskBoard using an API within the tool. We'll need to require a process to get permissions do write to the app such as simply asking for the project or community lead to contact the team to get the required keys. Within the API, we'll need the form fields filled out based on the restrictions found on the form fields PRD.

Who can post tasks through the API?

  • Have key
  • Vouched Mozillian
  • Has Staff group


Variable Description
Summary Short, 10-20 word, explanation for the task to perform.
Instructions Description provided by the task creator.
Contact Person The e-mail address of the person who created the task.
Misc. Extra information that the user should know in order to complete the task.
Groups The groups this task is available for (will need a way for the user to see the available groups to parse).
Deadline (optional) If there is a day when this needs to be completed, then add in a the time as needed (MMDDYYYY). If left blank, there isn't a deadline associated to the task.
When Created This time/date stamp is created automatically upon arrival onto the taskboard.