ParticipationSystems/Participation Metrics

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๐ŸŒ Project Information

๐Ÿ“Ž Summary

Right now we donโ€™t have the information we need -- across Mozilla -- to make informed decisions or gauge our performance on participation of core contributors.

There are 2 parts to the project:

  1. Contribution metrics -- clear measures of activity/contribution from available data sources
  2. Community sentiment -- clear understanding of the sentiment, health and interest areas of our communities and Mozillians

There are also 2 time horizons of action -- immediately and medium-term.

This project is part of the larger Participation Systems initiative.

๐Ÿšฉ Phase 1 - to July 15, 2016

Contribution metrics:

Goal We have a basic dashboard in place, that we can drill into by organization, based on easily available data sources (Reps, Mozillians, Bugzilla, GitHub, Discourse, IRC), which allows us to have an initial view on contribution and conversations about appropriate participation metrics.

Approach Work with to get a basic set of dashboards up and running quickly. Work to get Campus Campaign metrics incorporated in the dashboard, even by a manual process.


  1. Hire and get detailed requirements to Bitergia - DONE - requirements doc
  1. Beta dashboard in place by London All Hands, including data compiled by Bitergia and Campus Campaign - DONE
  1. First full set of internal and public dashboards by organization in place by July 8th - DONE (July 28)

Community sentiment:

Goal Implement a Net Promoter Survey monthly to give us an actionable view of community and contributor sentiment.

Approach Validate concept of regular Net Promoter Survey to help understand community sentiment (reference here on this method). Run with all vouched Mozillians upfront, then choose a small random sample monthly to continue updating and tracking. Use the data to build tactics/activities with an aim to "move the needle".


  1. Get feedback on survey design and approach from various experts inside and outside Mozilla - DONE
  1. Setup survey, consult with legal, and send survey to all vouched Mozillians - DONE
  1. Produce an initial analysis and report, both public and private versions, and start setting hypotheses for action - IN PROGRESS
  1. Send monthly surveys with regularly updating dashboard and conversations about actionable hypotheses

Phase 2 - medium-term Q3 and beyond (below is DRAFT)

Contribution metrics:

  • Survey people around Mozilla to find out what they need moving forward
    • Sit down with each VP to talk through the basic metrics dashboard in their area
    • Work with people at different layers of each organization to talk through metrics and what would help them make good decisions/questions they would hope to answer through data
  • Understand data and initial insights
    • Work with John Jensenโ€™s team to understand contribution metrics insights/ answer questions
  • Develop a plan for either a phase 2 of BitErgia or another way forward with contribution metrics

Community health:

  • Continue running Net Promoter survey and start using the data for guiding priorities of the Participation Team (and others) in Q3
  • Expand the conversation about what else we might want to do here that could include:
    • Building out a Reps sentiment tracker/survey
    • Building out more specific community surveys

๐Ÿ‘ฅ Get Involved

This project is just getting going, but we could absolutely use a team interested in being involved with data analysis. Please get in touch with Konstantina Papadea.

Additionally, you can connect with us through Participation Systems communications channels:

๐Ÿ“ Project Management

Key People (RASCI)

Responsible Accountable Support Consulted Informed
George Roter

Konstantina Papadea

Pierros Papadeas

George Roter Lucy Harris

Ruben Martin

Adam Lofting

John Jensen

Rosana Ardila

David Ascher

REPS Council

Mitchell Baker

Mark Surman

Katharina Borchert