QA/Expandable List of Synced Tabs

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The purpose of this wiki is to serve as a general test plan for verifying that I can expand the list of tabs for a given device in Synced Tabs


Developer contact: Edouard Oger [:eoger]

QA: Sorina Florean [:sorina]

Overall Status

[LANDED] Nightly 54:

[LANDED] Aurora 54:

[LANDED] Beta 54:

Testing Summary

Scope of testing

The testing will be focus on

  • verifying that for a given device I can see the tabs synced
  • verifying that I can expand the list of tabs


Testing will be performed on following devices:

  • Phone: 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x
  • Windows 10

User stories

  • As a user, I want to expand the list of tabs for a given device in Synced Tabs, if there is other devices who has too many open tabs

Acceptance Criteria

Testing details

Test Cases

Testing days


  • Created Test Plan


  • Exploratory testing on stage - train 84 with following devices/platforms: Asus ZenPad 8 (Android 6.0.1), LG G4 (Android 5.1.1), Nexus 9 (Android N) Win 10, Win 7, 6Plus - fw 9.3.5
  • New bug found: bug 1354493 - [fxa][Staging 84] Sync issues on Staging - Train 84
  • All open tabs is displayed on desktop from synced devices, from different branches: Aurora 54.0a2, Nightly 55.0a1, Beta 53.09
  • The testing was focus on
    • verifying that for a given device I can see the tabs synced
    • verifying that I can expand the list of tabs
  • Screenshots:
Open tabs
Open tabs
Open tabs


  • Exploratory testing on stage - train 87 with following devices/platforms: Asus ZenPad 8 (Android 6.0.1), Nexus 6 (Android N), Win 10x64,
  • All open tabs is displayed on desktop/mobile from synced devices on Beta 54.0b8
  • The testing was focus on
    • verifying that for a given device I can see the tabs synced
    • verifying that I can expand the list of tabs, currently more than 100 open tabs

Bug Work

  • Bug for tracking this feature:
    • bug 1321119 - Size of synced tab history and assumptions about max record size mean less tabs are synced than otherwise could be.



  • All test cases should be executed
  • All blockers, criticals must be fixed and verified or have an agreed-upon timeline for being fixed


Nightly testing

  • in progress

Beta testing

  • in progress