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Security/Safe Browsing

87 bytes added, 12:13, 1 July 2017
update explanation of urlclassifier.gethashnoise
* <tt>urlclassifier.blockedTable</tt>: list of tables to use for the plugin stability blocking
* <tt>urlclassifier.disallow_completions</tt>: list of tables for which we never call <tt>gethash</tt>
* <tt>urlclassifier.gethashnoise</tt>: the number of fake entries to add to any <tt>gethash</tt> calls. Defaul value: 4. Maximum value: 999 (beyond, the Google request fails with HTTP 400).
* <tt>urlclassifier.gethash.timeout_ms</tt>: the timeout after which gethash requests should be aborted
* <tt>urlclassifier.malwareTable</tt>: list of tables to use when looking for malware (they need to be named <tt>*-malware-*</tt> or <tt>*-unwanted-*</tt>)

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