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CA/Required or Recommended Practices

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It is not sufficient for the CP/CPS to just state that WHOIS is checked. The CP/CPS needs to have a high level description of how the WHOIS information is used. What information must match with that provided by the certificate subscriber? Is a phone call made or email sent to the technical or administrative contact field of the domain's WHOIS record? If an email is sent, does it include non-predictable information that the technical or administrative contact must use to respond?
===== Email Challenge-Response: =====
Many CAs use an email challenge-response mechanism to verify that the SSL certificate subscriber owns/controls the domain to be included in the certificate. Some CAs allow applicants to select an address from a predetermined list to be used for this verification. See [[CA:Problematic_Practices#Email_Address_Prefixes_for_DV_Certs|Mozilla's restrictions on the set of verification addresses that may be used.]]
Confirm, administrator

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