
Bulgarian (bg)


Active team members

Name Email Role Desktop OS Tablet OS Mobile OS Hg Access?
Stoyan Dimitrov stoyan@gmx.com L10n Owner Linux / Windows - Android YES; Level 1 L10n, SVN
Ognyan Kulev ognyan@ognyankulev.com
(legacy email ogi@tower.3.bg)
Firefox Focus, former L10n Owner Linux - Android YES; Level 1 L10n, SVN
Krasimir Berov k.berov@gmail.com Mozilla Developer Network NO

Active projects

Общи напътствия при превеждане

Актуална версия на наръчника може да бъде намерен на обособената за него страница.

Localizing SUpport.MOzilla.org (SUMO)

If you want to help localize http://support.mozilla.org/bg into Bulgarian, please do the following:

  1. Create a SUMO account
  2. If you can, get in touch with the Group Leader(s) listed here via a Private Message. If there is nobody listed there, please get in touch with Michał / vesper.
  3. Read our universal l10n documentation here. For language-specific documentation, please get in touch with your Group Leader(s).
  4. Visit your language thread in the forums and introduce yourself to the community. We don’t bite, unless you’re made of cake.
  5. You're ready to go! If you have any questions, ask them on the forums.

Помощни инструменти

  • Documentation for Mozilla localizers - Официален наръчник на преводача от Mozilla.
  • Pontoon - Официален интерфейс за превод на приложения, страници и услуги.
  • Transvision - Помощно средство с различни проверки за грешки в преводите, търсене, съпоставяне и т.н.
  • Searchfox - Търсене в изходния код на мрежовия четец и системните добавки.

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