SeaMonkey:Release Process

This page is a collection of things currently done to do SeaMonkey 1.1.x releases, so that the process is documented in some way.



Creating A New Release Tag

The first step for doing the actual release is to create a tag in CVS. I usually go into an empty directory on my local (Linux) machine and run the following bash script first (after adjusting the pull and release tag variables at the beginning of it):

echo "cvs $CVS_REPOS checkout -r $PULLTAG $CO_OPTS mozilla/" echo "cd mozilla" echo "make -f checkout $CO_OPTS MOZ_CO_PROJECT=suite" echo "cvs $CVS_REPOS tag -b $MINIBRANCH" echo "cvs $CVS_REPOS commit -r $MINIBRANCH -m 'initial minibranch commit'" echo "mv ../" echo "sed 's/$CLIENTTAG/$RELEASETAG/' ../ >" echo "rm ../" echo "cvs $CVS_REPOS commit -r $MINIBRANCH -m 'edit tags to pull from $RELEASETAG'" echo "mv xpfe/bootstrap/version.txt ../version.txt.orig" echo "sed 's/pre//' ../version.txt.orig > xpfe/bootstrap/version.txt" echo "rm ../version.txt.orig" echo "mv xpfe/bootstrap/module.ver ../module.ver.orig" echo "sed 's/pre//' ../module.ver.orig > xpfe/bootstrap/module.ver" echo "rm ../module.ver.orig" echo "cvs $CVS_REPOS commit -r $PULLTAG -m 'remove \"pre\" postfix from SeaMonkey version on release branch' xpfe/bootstrap/module.ver xpfe/bootstrap/version.txt" echo "cvs $CVS_REPOS tag -F $RELEASETAG" echo "cvs $CVS_REPOS tag $RELEASETAG"

This outputs a list of commands to run for the tagging process, which I execute step by step, checking that the right thing is actually done. SeaMonkey usually pulls from a not-much-changing Gecko release branch near to a Firefox release tag (the CLIENTTAG which is set for pulling in that branch's, so we usually have a well-defined state to pull, but to make sure when pulling from that branch, I also set the CO_OPTS variable to use an exact date (automatically to the time of pulling in that script) so that the tree is 100% well-defined.

The commands pull a and use it to pull a complete suite (SeaMonkey) source checkout. We're only tagging files that are part of this checkout. For versions where building own builds with the old calendar extension was still supported, we also included calendar in that pull and in our tag as well as our source tarballs (see later), but nowadays the suite pull is enough.

The first commit to does not show up anywhere actually, so the message is useless, but I remember that CVS didn't correctly realize that it had the state of that minibranch and might choke afterwards. The mv/sed/rm stuff is to make the pull our new SeaMonkey release tag, the second commit to will actually be recorded in the file's CVS history and should tell what that tag change actually was.

We do similar things to module.ver and version.txt in the next steps to remove the "pre" postfix on the SeaMonkey version number, just that we can commit them directly to the Gecko release branch, as those are SeaMonkey-specific files anyways. Note: Ask for appoval on that checkin to the release branch BEFORE committing! (build folks may else get nervous, dveditz can approve)

The actual tagging is done with the last two commands, first the new tag is forced on the file, then the rest of the tree is tagged.

Usually, the next step from here is to create a first set of candidate builds.

Moving An Existing Release Tag

For later candidates, the tag is moved on any files that have changed compared to the older candidate.

To do this, first I update the files to the respective versions, most of the time this will be something like

cvs -d checkout -r GECKO181_20071004_RELBRANCH MOZ_CO_DATE="2007-10-08 17:19:35" mozilla/updated/file1.cpp mozilla/updated/file2.h

Then, move the tag like this:

cvs -d tag -F SEAMONKEY_1_1_5_RELEASE mozilla/updated/file1.cpp mozilla/updated/file2.h

With this, we can recreate candidate builds from the moved release tag.

Creating Builds

Once the cvs-mirror has updated the tagging changes, it's time to log into our release machines. Those machines on all the primary platforms have the latest bug 343891 patch applied so that we can create (stub) installers with the correct URLs in them right out of tinderbox.

As a first step, on all of those boxes must be corrected to pull the correct release tag and upload to directories with correct version numbers.

After logging into those boxes and doing this edit, I cd to the release-seamonkey-1.1 directory and execute "./tinderbox clobber restart" there, which does a BuildOnce clobber run producing the builds (for a respin on the same day as a previous one, the last-built files need to be deleted!). Note that only Linux can do this from the remote ssh shell, Mac is done via VNC from a terminal window and Windows via RDP from a cmd window, so all of them can perform basic tinderbox tests on the builds.

The Linux machine has additional stuff added to produce source tarballs. I have a script there that does

export MOZ_POSTFLIGHT_ALL="~/tinderbox/Makefile.tarball"

before starting the tinderbox run, and here's the Makefile.tarball file:

topsrcdir	= $(TOPSRCDIR)
srcdir		= $(TOPSRCDIR)
include $(MOZ_OBJDIR)/config/
include $(TOPSRCDIR)/config/
include $(TOPSRCDIR)/toolkit/mozapps/installer/
postflight_all: tar --directory=$(TOPSRCDIR)/.. -cjf $(TOPSRCDIR)/$(MOZ_OBJDIR)/dist/$(SRC_TAR_BASE).tar.bz2 mozilla tar --directory=$(TOPSRCDIR)/.. -czf $(TOPSRCDIR)/$(MOZ_OBJDIR)/dist/$(SRC_TAR_BASE).tar.gz mozilla

This enables us to conveniently provide a source tarball from exactly the same state and upload it to stage together with the release builds.

All the boxes are configured to upload into a candidates-seamonkey1.1.5/ directory in my personal home dir on stage, while the ftp_url points to the final location on This enables me to both move that candidates dir to the SeaMonkey nightly dir on public FTP for testing as well as to later copy those builds directly to the release location without any further change, given this candidate is made final after QA.

Getting QA & Testing For The Builds

Publishing Candidates

As creating the builds pushes them right into a candidates-seamonkey1.1.5/ directory in my personal home dir on stage, all I need to technically do to publish the candidates is to move this directory to /pub/ on stage, and they are available in [1] for testing by the community.

Notifying SeaMonkey Newsgroups

Following that, a post is made to and (with followup to the former) to announce the candidates and ask for testing, esp. for the smoketests to be run on all three platforms (pointing to the Litmus smoketest run for SeaMonkey 1.1).

Respinning Due To Problems Found By QA

If any major regressions or major problems are encountered during QA, patches need to go into the release branch (ask the Mozilla build team about that) or a minibranch, the tag needs to be moved, builds recreated and the candidates overwritten (!) with the new candidates, as well as a notification sent out to the newsgroups again.

The same process happens when Core/Gecko problems are encountered in Firefox testing and a further Firefox candidate is being released, so that we include those fixes in a moved tag and new candidates.

Notifying Localizers

If everything is looking good for release, should be informed that the release is on its way, along with the planned release date, so that localizers can start preparing their localized contributed release builds for having those available in a timely fashion.

Doing The Actual Release

Preparing The Release Directory

When QA is running well, we can start preparing the actual release directory. For this, candidates-seamonkey1.1.5/ is copied to the personal home directory with a name of just 1.1.5/ and two subdirectories named contrib/ and contrib-localized/ are created. We need to care that those three directories are all group-writeable and have the set-guid flag set, the two former ones are owned by the seamonkey group, the latter by the l10n group.

All normal files, including all builds, should have read/write permissions for user and group and should be world-readable (but NOT world-writable), and only directories should have the executable bits set.

The README file for the release directory can be copied from the /pub/ subdirectory for the previous release, replacing the old version number with the new one (note that we have 1.1.x notation as well as tag names with 1_1_x notation in that file).

Additionally, a MD5SUMS file is generated for the main 1.1.5/ directory, I'm doing this with a simple script I have stored as ~/scripts/make-md5sums on stage:

rm MD5SUMS find -name "seamonkey-*" -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum >> MD5SUMS chmod g+w MD5SUMS chgrp seamonkey MD5SUMS

Preparing Release Notes

The person responsible for writing up release notes (currently Robert Kaiser) has to be notified to generate those and put them up, so that they are in place once the new version get actually released.

Adding Contributed Builds

Once the release directory has been created, either for preparation in the home directory or already moved to the final release location, contributed builds can be added to its contrib*/ directories.

Builds for other platforms or with non-default build configurations need to go into contrib/ and come with a seamonkey-1.1.x.en-US.[platform-special].README file describing what the builds are and how they were built as well as who's responsible for those builds.

Localized builds go into contrib-localized/ and need to be just repackaged release builds or language packs which are signed off or contributed by the respective locale owners/peers listed in the localization teams list (note that the linked list includes L10n teams for all Mozilla products, not just for SeaMonkey).

To avoid mirrors fetching partially uploaded builds, it's usually a good idea to pull the builds into the personal home directory first (I'm usually doing this via wget from the contributor's webspace), check their permissions and only then move them to the public releases/ directory.

At least if the release is out already, the src/releases/index.en.html of the SeaMonkey website has to be updated, for localized builds also the appropriate src/releases/updates/ab-CD.rdf file (see the website section for more about those).

Preparing Website Updates

When the actual release is nearing, updates to the SeaMonkey web pages can be prepared locally (not checked in yet). The source for those pages is hosted in the seamonkeyproject-org/ module in the www CVS repository.

First, the existing src/releases/index.en.html is copied to a version-specific archive file, e.g. releases/1.1.4.html and modified to be just about this version and contain a warning about this version being outdated. Comments excluding files that never have been published for this version can be stripped as well. It's best to look at the older archive files for what needs to be done. This new archive page can be checked in ahead of the announcements, it just won't be linked until the src/releases/index.en.html update.

In the src/releases/index.en.html itself, a selective search and replace is done to update the old version number with the new one. The language packs are left at the currently mentioned version number if this is a security update during a localization freeze phase, unless a newer language pack is available for that language. The L10n freeze allows us to use a langpack for, say, SeaMonkey 1.1.2 flawlessly with a 1.1.5 release build, people should still be linked to that because of this fact. All (contributed) builds that are now updated to the new release version but are not available yet, get commented out with HTML comments, so it's easy to put them back once they are available. In the "Previously released..." section, the old version needs to be added with a link to its archive HTML page.

src/releases/updates/en-US.rdf (and the files for any localizations that already have binaries) needs to be updated to a fitting update build ID. For SeaMonkey, 1.1.x, this is in the form of e.g. where the first three numbers are from the Gecko version number and the fourth is the release's Gecko date. If not all builds for all platforms have the same Gecko date, use the lowest date of all of them, as our update notification service will just check if the announced number is higher then the running build's version.

An announcement text needs to be written up to be published on news.en.xml, depending on its length, a summary of it might also be prepared.

Finally, lib/config.tmpl needs to be updated to reflect the new version, as well as mozilla-org/html/VARIABLES (mozilla-org module!), as the stuff defined in there is used on the front and download pages. Note that checkins to that latter file are restricted to a small group of people.

Publishing Builds

After following the previous steps, making the builds appear in the public directories as as easy as going to the private home dir on stage and do

mv 1.1.5 /pub/

This should be done a few hours (>= 6 usually) before announcements etc. go out, so that mirrors in the round-robin can catch up with this change.

Getting Builds Into Bouncer

Bouncer is a tool running on that distributes the loads of downloading as good as possible between mirrors and in turn even counts download numbers. SeaMonkey currently runs the main English builds (Windows and Linux installers, Mac universal disk image) through this tool.

A few days before the files are moved to their public place, we file a bug with the Mozilla build team with the releases.m.o URLs of those three builds and the corresponding download.m.o URLs where they should be available, so that the people there can add them to the bouncer database (see previous bugs reports for templates).

Announcing The Release

When it's finally time to announce the release, and all steps above have been completed, the prepared website changes can be checked into CVS.

The announcement is then posted to and (with followup to the latter this time) and to [mozillaZine]. Blog posts and changes of topics on relevant IRC channels might also be in order.

... and then it's time to celebrate!

(Remember that adding of contributed builds usually continues to go on in the days following the release, so don't get intoxicated too much when celebrating ;-)