
< Balkans

Meeting notes

  • How will attend on MozBalkans 2011? Just few communities added names other haven't? Why? Are some communities not interested? - We didn't found right answer but we suspect that a mass number of contributors are busy with their jobs so they can not make it on time.
  • Bogos proposal for having a special meeting for MozBalkans planing is reorganized as changing time of our regular bi-weekly calls so next call is on 19th April and next will be 14 days later and so on. The reason for this is because if we have every week a call we won't have anything on agenda (For this call there were only two items :S ).
  • Kosovo community is organizing a big Firefox 4 Release Party... more info here
  • On 13rd April Macedonian Community is also hosting an event in Old City Of Skopje , they said it will be awesome and big launch party.
  • Slovenian community has organized 5 events in past, the Firefox 4 Jägerparty was held last week in Kiberpipa and it was very successful.
  • Other communities are still planing an event and they will host them very soon.
  • Next rotating leader is Selim from Turkey