People:Mozilla Gathering Plan

Mozilla Gathering Plan - Phase One

Stay tuned as we move to phase two with an integrated global calendar and animated recipe card for success!

The components to the Mozilla Gathering Plan

  1. Comprehensive Gathering Plan that lays out the objectives our global events strive to achieve and a recipe card for event success.
  2. Comprehensive calendar with integrated technologies allowing for search/toggling for an opt in style menu of options.

Overall Goals of Gathering Plan

  1. Connect current & like-minded Mozillians and embrace new contributors
  2. Clearly communicate our purpose for Events at Mozilla
  3. Provide roadmap for event cadence
  4. Help clarify budget and clear ownership to drive metrics and accountability for Mozilla events.
  5. Leverage the plan to aid programs utilizing events as part of a rewards & recognition initiative for current Mozillians.
  6. Provide central place for all Mozillians to reference opportunities and ways to join in. *thoughts: this was “to get involved” but I’ve changed language to feel more inclusive and less opportunistic.

Why We Do Events At Mozilla

  1. Recognition
  2. Expand our brand & global reach
  3. Unify global talent force by aligning strategic goals to work functions
  4. Develop skills & instill knowledge transfer amongst Mozillians
      Key Objectives For Our Events:
      • Align on strategy & focus
      • Cross group collaboration: how do we get work done
      • Grow Mozilla
      • Espirit de Corps
      • Hacking & contributing together

      Participant Take-Away

      • Learning
      • Sharing
      • Development
      • Networking/ socializing/face w/ name
      • Belonging

Types Of Events

Invited In

Cantinas Regional Mtgs Game Days

Moz World

Professional conference centered around professional development with sliding scale entry fees.

Mozillian Gatherings

Quarterly Towns Halls Work Week/ends (fri/sat) L10N Meetups (fri/sat) Developer Days MDN Hack Days

Special Spaces

Launch Events FFX Birthday Mozilla Birthday Internet Freedom Day Talk Like A Pirate Day

Moz Vacation Club

A vacation club hosted by Mozilla annually. 2-5k People

Moz Camps

Regional: EU, APAC, LATAM, 4 per year


Inter Community Meet-ups Remo Gatherings Developer Events

Moz Give Back

Philanthropic opportunity launched by Mozilla in partnership with charity groups.


Year End Event Summer Picnic Movie Night Family Day

How To Get Involved - Upcoming Events Schedule

We are currently working on a combined global events calendar that will house all of the events we host/sponsor at Mozilla. It's going to be splendid!

You can find out more information about this project here:

Until we unveil the new calendar, you can find out where we will be by accessing:

  • Press Calendar:
  • Developer Calendar:
  • Upcoming MozCamps:

Stay tuned, we'll be announcing those dates soon.

How To Host Your Own Event

  • Hosting events at a MozSpace:
  • Hosting your own event in the community: