
< Firebug‎ | WeeklyUpdates

Jan Odvarko, Sebastian Zartner, Simon Lindholm, Florent Fayolle, Gal Steinitz



  • Firebug 1.12 alpha 6 release last week

Firebug Lite

  • Moved to
  • Honza: send an email with instructions how to get SVN access


  • Florent joining other Mozillians in Paris in a month.
    • Working on Firebug presentation
    • Sebastian: send Florent an email with links to existing slides
    • Sebastian: put slide templates to the repo
    • Meetup notes

1.11 Blockers

  • We need a new issue for the broken context menu
    • Honza: analyzed, won't happen again
  • Issue 6436: XMLHttpRequests not displayed in Console tab with FF 17, FB 1.11.3
    • Honza: FIXED
  • Issue 6451: Pseudo-element rules not applying to elements are displayed
    • Sebastian: FIXED
  • Various reports say Firefox is slow
    • Bug 848665 - Enormous amounts of CPU time spent in ScriptFrameIter
    • We should all test Firebug 1.11.3 on Firefox 21/22
  • We want Firebug 1.11.4
    • As soon as the slow problem is fixed


  • Test results DB is big, we need an auto-removal bot

Firebug 1.12

  • Issue 4979: Group console messages
    • Sebastian: FIXED!
  • Issue 6422: Add a right click option for accessing objects in the Command Line
    • We should improve this
  • Issue 6402: Don't abuse the debugger service for injecting "console"
    • Honza: check extensions.firebug.preferJSDSourceLinks
    • Can we use JSD2 to get proper stack traces for the Console panel?
    • Florent: do some analyses of stack traces & related test failures
    • We should discuss again the next time
  • Issue 6447: Improve display of timings in net request infotip
    • Honza: FIXED

Code Mirror

  • Farshid: working on Command Editor

JSD2 Adoption

  • Adopting FBTest API
    • Honza: still working on the adoption