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As part of our concentration on the user's experience during the Fx download and install process, we would like to implement a solution allowing users to provide feedback when canceling out of the installer.

Specifically, we're planning to implement Kampyle as a solution. The plan is to include the code within the installer for a future Funnelcake edition (i.e., to do an initial test).

Overview of User Experience

  • Currently: When a user clicks "cancel" within the installer, the user is asked the following question, "Are you sure you want to quit Mozilla Firefox Setup?", and below the question are the buttons "Yes" and "No" ("yes" being the highlighted option).
  • Proposed Change: An additional question will be added to this dialog that asks something along the lines of, "Are you sure, but would you be interested in providing Mozilla with feedback?"

Step #1 -> User Clicks Cancel:


Step #2 -> Browser window opens, redirect to this page:


Step #3 -> Upon clicking either "Send" or "Cancel", user is redirected to Page is now live.


To Do

  • Change the installer code (Rob Strong)
  • QA installer changes (QA)
  • Create web/landing page (Ken Kovash, with help from Slater, web dev, and QA)
  • Create Kampyle account (Ken)
  • Sign Kampyle's revised terms of service (Ken)
  • Customize survey/feeedback questions within Kampyle form (Ken, Beltzner, marketing team)
  • Eventually ship as part of a future edition of Funnelcake (Ken & funnelcake team)


  • 1.14.09 -- finalize Kamplye account creation and service agreement
  • 1.23.09 -- have web/landing page completed
  • 1.30.09 -- have installer code completed
  • 1.30.09 -- finalize the customization of the Kampyle feedback/survey form
  • February or March -- ship this with Funnelcake!
