L10n:Dialog sizes

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In order to get dialog sizes right in Firefox 2, this page collects information about those dialogs that have specific sizing information in l10n.

Please fill in details about each dialog,

  • how to get there (menu names, and positions, assume the tester can't read the script)
  • chrome:// URL for the dialog, what you'd enter in the url bar to show the dialog
  • source location for the l10n size information

This way, testers can independently of language skills help in finding out if the dialog is properly sized, and if not, use the

 javascript:(function(){var p=2;var cs=window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement,null);var fs=cs.getPropertyCSSValue('font-size').getFloatValue(5);var w=cs.getPropertyCSSValue('width').getFloatValue(5);var h=cs.getPropertyCSSValue('height').getFloatValue(5);prompt('Dialog size:', 'width: '+Math.ceil(w/fs*p)/p+'em; height: '+Math.ceil(h/fs*p)/p+'em;');})();

showsize bookmarklet to figure out a good size and create a patch.

How to use the bookmarklet?
Create a bookmark using the above javascript code as the URL. Then, go to one of the chrome: URLs listed below (chrome://browser/content/preferences/preferences.xul for instance), and resize the browser's window to make sure all elements are displayed correctly. When you're happy with the result, just click the bookmarklet that you created, and you'll see what the new width and height are.


  • Tools (second to last)
    • Options (last)
chrome url 
l10n source 
