Location of attachments

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Since today I have installed Eudora (Thunderbird) OSE on my computer. I have imported all my e-mail and Addressbok from Eudora 7. Now I want to remove Eudora 7 from my computer but I am not sure because I cannot find the attachments on my disk.

My question is: Where are the attachments stored?

Dirk Detmar

Along the same vein, when I double-click on an attachment a dialog box appears which says:

The following attachments have been successfully saved and will now be permanently deleted from this message: [Name Of Attachment]

This action cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue?

Yes No

I think the question of where it is saved to is the same as Dirk's question above. After searching my C drive I discovered that the place it is saved is on the desktop. Also, if you double click an attachment a second time, then it tells you that it already exists, and where it is. If you opt not to replace it, you are prompted for where you wish to save it. I suggest that the initial dialog box be altered to say: "The following attachment(s) have been successfully saved on your Desktop ..."

My question is: Where is it deleted from?

Is it some temporary/internal storage location that will be deleted when the message is deleted? Or is it the place it was originally when the attachments were imported (which would mean that Dirk should NOT delete his Eudora 7 attachments folder)?

I tried searching my C drive for an attachment that I had not double clicked, and it was only found in my old Eudora attachments folder (C:\Users\Bob\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\Eudora\attach). So I believe that attachments are NOT copied when imported. Can anyone confirm this? And does anyone know if uninstalling your old Eudora leaves your attachments folder intact? I'm guessing that mail folders and attachments are left for a future re-installation, but I didn't try it.

And now that I think of it, if after the first double-click all that remains is the copy of the attachment on the desktop, and when you double click again you are prompted for whether to replace it... what would it be replaced with? There's no other place to copy it from for the replacement activity so it could only be replaced by itself which is a do-nothing operation. Perhaps the dialog box should say "The attachment has already been saved to your desktop, would you like to save it somewhere else?"

Bob Hickling