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All Hands/2015 Orlando

41 bytes removed, 16:23, 13 October 2015
Out of Pocket Expenses
The intention of our work weeks are to centrally organize a structure within which teams can come together to work on deliverables and plans, to socialize, to meet and share with other teams, and generally come together as one Mozilla family, two times each year. The central organization includes meals (three/day + snacks), transportation, accommodations, and some number of social events.
Because of that, we’d expect a very limited number, if any, of work week-related expenses for food or social events (this includes team events, room service, mini-bar charges, and food/drink costs above the vouched amounts). Any social events that are not part of our central plan will generally be self-organized and funded by participants. This is a modified policy from Portland. For specifics on meals, please go to the Food & Drink section (above). If you have questions about any of this, please reach out to
=='''Volunteers in Orlando'''==

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