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Security/Safe Browsing

482 bytes added, 08:46, 18 July 2016
History: Added v4 history
= History =
[ Google Safe Browsing] was an anti-phishing extension released by Google on [] in December 2005. Google has released this extension to the Mozilla Foundation under MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 in order that it might be used as part of Firefox if desired. We've landed this change on the trunk as a global extension as of 7 March 2006.You can read the discussion that lead up to to its integration in
You can read the discussion that lead Google is migrating Safe Browsing to v4 protocol since 2015 and we are now working on integrating to our code base with a incremental approach. That is, we will be landing v4 patches progressively and leave v2 up and running until v4 is extensively tested. In other words, v2 and v4 will co-exist for a while to to its integration in make sure Safe Browsing feature not broken. See to know the plans and milestones for v4 implementation.cgi?id=329292
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