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1,054 bytes removed, 12:19, 19 December 2016
Tidy up top section and link to new 2.3
* [[CA:UserCertDB|User Root Certificate Settings]] -- How to override the default root settings in Mozilla products.
== Policy and Included CAs ==
* [ Mozilla's CA Certificate Policy](current version, 2.3)** [[CA:CertificatePolicyV2.1 BaselineRequirements| About version 2.1 of Mozilla's CA Certificate PolicyBaseline Requirements Compliance]]** [[CA:CertificatePolicyV2.2 | About version 2.2 of Mozilla's expectations regarding compliance with the CA Certificate Policy]]*** /Browser Forum's [ Version 2.2 converted to a single Markdown document in githubdocuments/ Baseline Requirements]** [[CA:CertificatePolicyV2.3RootTransferPolicy|Drafting version 2.3 of Root Transfer Policy]]: Mozilla's CA Certificate Policy]]expectations when the ownership of an included root certificate changes, the organization operating the PKI changes, and/or the private keys of the root certificate are transferred to a new location
* You can also read about [[CA:BaselineRequirementsCertPolicy|Baseline Requirements]old versions of the policy and the policy update process] -- Mozilla's expectations regarding the [ CA/Browser Forum's Baseline Requirements].
== Lists of CAs and Certificates == * [[CA:IncludedCAs|Included CA Certificates Spreadsheet]]** [[CA:RemovedCAcerts|Removed CA Certificates Spreadsheet]]** [[CA:RootTransferPolicy PendingCAs| Root Transfer PolicyPending CA Certificates]] - Mozilla's expectations when the ownership of an included root or certificate trust bit/EV status changes, the organization operating the PKI changes, and/or the private keys of the root certificate are transferred to a new location.
* [[CA:SubordinateCAcerts|Public Intermediate (Subordinate) CA Certificates]]
** [[CA:RevokedSubCAcerts|Revoked Intermediate (Subordinate) CA Certificates]] *[[NSS:Release_Versions | NSS:Release_Versions]] -- Mapping of Root Cert Inclusion Bugs to Mozilla Product Releases
* [[CA:PendingCAs|Pending CAs Spreadsheet]] -- CAs who have applied for inclusion of their certificates in the Mozilla project Root CA store, and whose applications are pending. Also CAs who have applied to add trust bits or enable EV for certificates that are already included in Mozilla's Root CA store, and their applications are pending.
* [[CANSS:PolicyRelease_Versions |Changes to Mozilla's CA Certificate Policy]] -- How to view changes to the policy, and snapshots of old versions of the policy.* [[CANSS:CertPolicyUpdates|Updating Mozilla CA Certificate PolicyRelease_Versions]] -- How the policy is updated, transitioning to new versions Mapping of the policy, things Root Cert Inclusion Bugs to discuss in regards to updating the Mozilla CA Certificate Policy.* [[CA:MD5and1024|Dates for Phasing out MD5-based signatures and 1024-bit moduli]]Product Releases
== CA Communications ==
== Common CA Database (aka CA Community in Salesforce) ==
Mozilla's CA Program uses the Common CA Database, also known as the CA Community in Salesforce, which is a highly customized CRM used for managing CA Program data. The Common CA Database enables CAs to directly provide the data for all of the [[CA:CertificatePolicyV2.1#Technical_Constraints_or_Auditing.2FDisclosure_of_Intermediate_Certificates|publicly disclosed and audited subordinate CAs]] chaining up to root certificates in Mozilla's program, and to also directly provide data about their [[CA:ImprovingRevocation#Preload_Revocations_of_Intermediate_CA_Certificates|revoked intermediate certificates]]. A [[CA:Information_checklist#CA_Primary_Point_of_Contact_.28POC.29|Primary Point of Contact]] for each [[CA:IncludedCAs|included CA]] will be given a [ CA Community]license, so that each of the CAs in Mozilla's program can input, access, and update their intermediate certificate data directly in the Common CA Database.
* [[CA:Certificate Download Specification|Certificate download specification]]. This document describes the data formats used by Mozilla products for installing certificates.
== Discussion forums Forums ==
The following Mozilla public forums are relevant to CA evaluation and related issues. Note that each forum can be accessed either as a mailing list or a newsgroup (using an NNTP-newsreader or the Google Groups service).
== Work in Progress ==
* [[CA:SHA1elimination | Phasing out SHA-1 Certificates]]
* [[CA:ImprovingRevocation | Plan for Improving Revocation Checking in Firefox]]
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