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Sauropod Technical Specification
= Sauropod Technical Specification =
Sauropod is a secure storage system for user data. It employs end-to-end encryption and secure key storage to enable least-privilege access, fine-grain user permissioning, and a controlled and auditable process for administrative and automated data access.
To application developers, Sauropod presents a key-value storage API, where each user has a completely independent universe of keys. Applications gain access to a user's store by presenting a user credential, the generation and validation of which is external to the Sauropod system. The store may also, optionally, restrict access to a particular set of user keys based on the application making the access. Applications may extend the privileges on a particular object key according to sensible transitive principles: a user that can read a file can extend read permission to any other user, and similarly for writes. (XX support locking an item down as non-sharable?)
As currently written, the User Identifier is the only entry point into the database, and there is only one of them. There will be cases (mostly administrative) where a valid user will need to perform discovery based on other data -- for example, to search based on givenName/familyName for a user account, when the email address has been lost, to investigate a payment.
There is no efficient way to perform that query as the system is currently specified.
= Strawman API =

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