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435 bytes added, 02:44, 22 June 2012
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* We could expose an attribute 'scancode' to the KeybordEvent interface. The scancode is the code of the pressed key as the hardware see it. Unfortunately, that code is likely hardware dependent and clearly OS-dependent. We have an experimental patch that use that but doesn't return the same value on Mac and Linux (not checked on Windows).
* We should then find something else. Any idea is welcome.
* Suggestion: The platform attempt to map the OS scancodes to a new, web-safe scancode set based on the USB scancodes (or some subset thereof). These web-safe scancodes should then be documented and submitted for standardisation. The API should make it explicit that a scancode is not guaranteed to be provided, and that authors should provide a sensible fallback, such as using the keycode and assuming a QWERTY layout, if it is not.
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