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433 bytes added, 19:06, 8 August 2013
Creating a Session: explain new shared-tokenID way to use authTokens
[[File:PICL-IdPAuth-encrypt-sessionToken.png|Decrypting the sessionToken and keyFetchToken]]
The For calls which accept an authToken, the client uses authToken is used to derive four three values:
* tokenID
* reqHMACkey
* requestKey
The client uses tokenID and reqHMACkey for a HAWK ( request to the "POST /session/create" API, using tokenID as "" and reqHMACkey as "credentials.key". The server uses tokenID to look up the corresponding token, then derives reqHMACkey to validate the request.
Each authToken-using call then derives additional API-specific values from requestKey. /session/create uses two derived values:
* respHMACkey
* respXORkey
The client uses tokenID and reqHMACkey for When the server receives a HAWK ( request to the "POST valid /session/create" API, using tokenID as "" and reqHMACkey as "credentials.key". The server uses tokenID to look up the corresponding tokenrequest, then derives reqHMACkey to validate the request. The server it allocates sessionToken and keyFetchToken, concatenates them, encrypts the pair by XORing it with the derived respXORkey, and attaches a MAC generated with respHMACkey. The encrypted MACed bundle is returned to the client.
The client recomputes the MAC, compares it (throwing an error if it doesn't match), extracts the ciphertext, XORs it with the derived respXORkey, then splits it into the separate keyFetchToken and sessionToken values.
Each authToken is single-use: once a successful request has been made with it, the authToken and its corresponding ID is removed from the server's memory, and subsequent attempts to use it will return a "no such token" error. The token is consumed even if the request fails (e.g. the MAC did not match).
Since the The authToken can be used (once) by multiple APIs, the . The server ought only needs to maintain a one table that maps mapping tokenID to authToken, because all these APIs share the various flavors same method of tokenIDs (computed for the different APIs) back to deriving a tokenID and reqHMACkey from the authToken.  When a HAWK request with one of these IDs appears, it should look up the tokenID in the corresponding this table, retrieve the authToken, compute recompute reqHMACkey and requestKey, validate the request, delete the table entry, then hand the HTTP request and requestKey to the specific API handler. That handler should derive the associated API-specific values (reqHMACkeyrespHMACkey, respXORkey, etc), create to process the request or construct the response, then delete the entire row.
The server can support multiple sessions per account (typically one per client device, plus perhaps others for account-management portals). There can also be multiple outstanding keyFetchTokens. The sessionToken lasts forever (until revoked by a password change or explicit revocation command), and can be used an unlimited number of times. The keyFetchToken expires after 60 seconds, and is single-use.

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