
From MozillaWiki
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  • How to determine how many test machines we need to handle our capacity
    1. How much CPU all tests triggered by the opt & debug builds?
  • How to determine monthly infrastructure load
    1. Load
    2. Select the first day and last days of the month
    3. Select the interval to be "day"
    4. Adjust the "starttime" and "endtime" by adding multiple of 3600 seconds
    5. Save the page as "YYYY-MM pushes report.html"
    6. scp -r *\ pushes\ report*
    7. upload the json dump as YYYYMM.json (append &format=json to the URL)
    8. fill the data for the month analyzed in the "Mozilla's pushes report & AWS costs" Google Doc
    9. write blog post
      • use the "Mozilla pushes template" doc as a template to your post
      • add link to HTML report & the json file (append &format=json)
      • add screenshots from the buildapi report
      • add screenshot from the chart in "Mozilla's pushes report" Google Doc

Sql Queries

select year(builds.starttime) as Year, month(builds.starttime) as Month, round(sum(unix_timestamp(builds.endtime)-unix_timestamp(builds.starttime))) as "Total CPU sum", count(*) as Jobs, round(sum(unix_timestamp(builds.endtime)-unix_timestamp(builds.starttime))) DIV count(*) as Ratio from builds left join (slaves, builders) on ( and where builds.starttime between '2014-01-01' and '2014-01-31' and like "t-w732-%" group by Year, Month order by Year, Month;

select, round(avg(unix_timestamp(builds.endtime)-unix_timestamp(builds.starttime))) as seconds from builds left join (slaves, builders) on ( and where builds.starttime between '2014-01-01' and '2014-01-31' and like "bld-linux64-ec2%" group by order by builders.category, limit 10;

| name                | seconds |
| alder-linux         |    4721 |
| alder-linux-debug   |    5594 |
| alder-linux64       |    4572 |
| alder-linux64-debug |    5240 |
| ash-android         |    3715 |
| ash-android-x86     |    3729 |
| ash-linux           |    4270 |
| ash-linux-debug     |    7319 |
| ash-linux32_gecko   |    5859 |
| ash-linux64         |    4458 |
10 rows in set (2.18 sec)

select, round(sum(unix_timestamp(builds.endtime)-unix_timestamp(builds.starttime))) as total_cpu_sum, count(*) as number_jobs from builds left join (slaves, builders) on ( and where builds.starttime between '2014-01-01' and '2014-01-31' and like "try-linux64-spot%" group by order by builders.category,;

| name                                        | total_cpu_sum | number_jobs |
| b2g_try_emulator-debug_dep                  |       7440171 |        1071 |
| b2g_try_emulator-jb-debug_dep               |       7358452 |         926 |
| b2g_try_emulator-jb_dep                     |       7433185 |         982 |
| b2g_try_emulator_dep                        |       7599371 |        1140 |
| linux64-br-haz_try_dep                      |       4214821 |         915 |
| linux64-sh-haz_try_dep                      |         16248 |           9 |
| try-android                                 |       3252972 |         882 |
| try-android-armv6                           |       2969866 |         795 |
| try-android-debug                           |       3921638 |         764 |
| try-android-x86                             |       2940553 |         797 |
| try-linux                                   |       4519388 |         991 |
| try-linux-debug                             |       6238952 |         918 |
| try-linux32_gecko                           |       4102965 |         636 |
| try-linux64                                 |       5673650 |        1477 |
| try-linux64-asan                            |       3349292 |         704 |
| try-linux64-asan-debug                      |       6021367 |         687 |
| try-linux64-debug                           |       5917343 |         935 |
| try-linux64-st-an-debug                     |       2842870 |         707 |
| try-linux64-valgrind                        |       2312107 |         793 |
| try-linux64_gecko                           |       4336260 |         653 |
| try_linux64-debug_spidermonkey-exactrooting |        215255 |          78 |
| try_linux64-debug_spidermonkey-generational |        696388 |         227 |
| try_linux64-debug_spidermonkey-rootanalysis |        932143 |         229 |
| try-comm-central-linux                      |         55167 |          10 |
| try-comm-central-linux-debug                |         78605 |          13 |
| try-comm-central-linux64                    |         51194 |          10 |
| try-comm-central-linux64-debug              |         67658 |          10 |
27 rows in set (0.30 sec)

SELECT name, green/total*100 as green_pct, orange/total*100 as orange_pct, red/total*100 as red_pct, (total-green-orange-red)/total*100 as other_pct FROM (SELECT AS name, SUM(CASE result WHEN 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS green, SUM(CASE result WHEN 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS orange, SUM(CASE result WHEN 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS red, count(*) AS total FROM builds LEFT JOIN (slaves, builders) ON ( AND WHERE builders.category="mozilla-inbound" AND builds.starttime BETWEEN '2014-01-01' AND '2014-01-31' AND LIKE "t-w732-%" GROUP BY AS derived_table ORDER BY other_pct DESC limit 10;

| name                                                        | green_pct | orange_pct | red_pct | other_pct |
| mozilla-inbound_win7-ix-debug_test-mochitest-browser-chrome |   89.9179 |     7.7374 |  0.0000 |    2.3447 |
| mozilla-inbound_win7-ix_test-jetpack                        |   97.9762 |     0.2381 |  0.4762 |    1.3095 |
| mozilla-inbound_win7-ix-debug_test-jetpack                  |   98.3412 |     0.1185 |  0.3555 |    1.1848 |
| mozilla-inbound_win7-ix_test-mochitest-1                    |   94.0968 |     4.8406 |  0.0000 |    1.0626 |
| mozilla-inbound_win7-ix_test-mochitest-browser-chrome       |   95.5952 |     3.4524 |  0.0000 |    0.9524 |
| mozilla-inbound_win7-ix_test-jsreftest                      |   98.0975 |     0.9512 |  0.0000 |    0.9512 |
| mozilla-inbound_win7-ix-debug_test-reftest                  |   95.3791 |     3.6730 |  0.0000 |    0.9479 |
| mozilla-inbound_win7-ix-debug_test-mochitest-1              |   94.6698 |     4.4032 |  0.0000 |    0.9270 |
| mozilla-inbound_win7-ix_test-xpcshell                       |   97.5030 |     1.6647 |  0.0000 |    0.8323 |
| mozilla-inbound_win7-ix_test-reftest-no-accel               |   96.5517 |     2.6159 |  0.0000 |    0.8323 |
10 rows in set (2.90 sec)