From MozillaWiki
< WoMoz | StatusMeetings
- Date : 2015-02-04
- Previous meeting notes: https://womoz.etherpad.mozilla.org/meeting-2015-01-21
- Time: 5pm UTC. For your time, check on http://arewemeetingyet.com/UTC/2015-01-07/17:00/b/Womoz_meeting
- Location : Reps vidyo https://v.mozilla.com/flex.html?roomdirect.html&key=RWa4tTy27FSM
- Backup channel: IRC #womoz https://02.chat.mibbit.com/?url=irc%3A%2F%2Firc.mozilla.org%2F%2523womoz
- Participants
- (chair)
- Konstantina
- Ioana
Topic 0 :Previous Action Items from WoMoz Meetings
- https://trello.com/c/EuE6lbT7/30-next-meeting-2015-01-21
- Implement some event page - maybe on blog to gather all events and make
them more public +1 also link to the reps event (check with the reps API if we can get all events with womoz tag) - priyanka?
- [Konstantina] to check with the reps dev to get all the events with womoz tag
Functional Pathway - check with emma - postponed duw to issues on portal
- [Flore] has to update github with the modifications that have been done since it
was uploaded on github [Done]
- [Flore] update to wordpress 4.0 [Done]
- Define Womoz Goals [all]
- Mentoring for new WoMoz? [Ioana] ask OPSW - postponed
- Womoz Events - on hold - [Ioana, Konstantina]
- Action Items: [Konstantina, Ioana] create guidelines for womoz events
- What makes a Mozilla event women-friendly? best practices?
- Kristi, [Priyanka] - adacamp cheatsheets
- Metrics SOP - [Emma]
- wiki cleeaning (it should be functional, Flore will check) - Priyanka can help [Flore]: solve wiki issues (connection) => problems due to an old version of wiki and not up to date (see topic 1 website)
- wiki.mozillaorg/womoz is cleaned - meetings added
- wiki.womoz.org?
- [Maliha] we can fetch tweets having #womoz tags
- [Maliha] Events from Reps portal -> contact the organizers
- AI - to mail the decision on the list and explicitly include all identified women
- AI - explain on the list also with the friends
- [Priyanka] ask the BD team to translate their posts for the website - Priyanka will
get in touch with them] (I guess Maliha is here and she can take care of this one now)
- [done] [Ioana will contact Elio] Make openbadges "womoz" and "friend of womoz" +++ -> for those who complete the form we have around 10 proposals
- Active womoz role [all]
- [All] Try to find some one to take administration of Github as responsibility - Priyanka can help
- [Ioana] Create the the calendar entry - and send on the mailing list but reminders
and individual event - recheck
- [All] Advertise the Telegram group - i will mail - Ioana
- [Konstantina]--> ask Nuke about fetching data from the reps portal
- [done] [Ioana ] Create 2 google forms (womoz and friend of womoz) and circulate it in
the mailing lists --> Ioana
- Send the form personally to the WoMoz members whom we already know -->
Everyone - Ioana
- We can even have the form somewhere on the blog or make a testimonial, open
to the entire community --> Priyanka [Priyanka needs access to be blog to make a post]
TOPIC 1 : Website
- updates?
- there has been an attack on our server. The theme is broken, but will be repaired this week.
- problem: our apps are not maintained and are security risks
- we need someone (webdev, php) to help maintain the apps on server. Ssh in terminal only (no FTP). Sys admins and server admins from mozfr (that hosts womoz website) don't have enough time. Contact Flore.
- should we reach out to reps? to find an admin?
TOPIC 2 : Womoz metrics for events
- updates?
- we need to see what Emma got and restructure them for our needs
- Konstantina & Emma working it ( Ioana might help)
- We had an informal meeting at dinner - beautiful picture
- We discussed about regular problems at events, help Kare ( keynote speaker ) add some about inclusion in her speech
TOPIC 4: Event at UNESCO
- updates?
- no updates
TOPIC 5: Woman’s Day Celebration
- Indian version:
- Event date : 8th March 2015
- Event venue : Red Hat office, Pune (venue is not finalized yet though, have 2 options for now)
- Event format : https://etherpad.mozilla.org/womozmeet
TOPIC 6: Badges
- postponed - still gathering feedback
TOPIC 7: Guidelines
- Next meeting: https://womoz.etherpad.mozilla.org/meeting-2015-02-18