From MozillaWiki
< WoMoz | StatusMeetings
- Date : 2015-01-07
- Previous meeting notes: https://womoz.etherpad.mozilla.org/meeting-2014-12-17
- This meeting will take place at 5pm UTC. For your time, check on http://arewemeetingyet.com/UTC/2015-01-07/17:00/b/Womoz_meeting
- Location : Reps vidyo room https://v.mozilla.com/flex.html?roomdirect.html&key=RWa4tTy27FSM
- Participants
- Konstantina
- Ioana
- Flore
TOPIC 1 : Website
- no feedback here, people who volunteered for the website did not attend the meeting
TOPIC 2 : Womoz metrics for events
- # of women attending the event
- # of women contributing to the community / mozilla after the event
- increase diversity
- Guidelines for presentation
- Guidelines for make a welcoming event (for women or any other kind of diversity)
- Organize a womoz dinner with Ioana, Flore, MArgaret, Stormy and Soledad
- Stormy: Gnome outreach program for women
- GSoC: discuss with Gerv and Florian
- Ioana and Flore proposed to be devroom wranglers
- Action Items: Konstantina and Ioana create guidelines for womoz events
- Next meeting https://womoz.etherpad.mozilla.org/meeting-2015-01-21