
< Platform

Notices / Schedule

Firefox 3.5.5

  • shipped on Thursday
  • thanks again to everyone who helped get that release out

Firefox 3.0.16 / Firefox 3.5.6

Firefox 3.6 Beta

  • Released on Friday, Oct 30th
  • over 250,000 daily users
  • beta 2 refresh shipping today:
  • next refresh hoping to come soon with DLL component directory lockdown & whitelist (bug 519357

Firefox 3.6 Release Candidate

  • proposed code freeze November 18th (1 weeks)
  • proposed release November 26th (Happy Thanksgiving)

Blocker Report

See more Firefox 3.6 related blocker queries, or learn about the new status and blocker flags

Browser / Front End

(Progress reports every weekend on Planet Firefox)

  • see our active projects and get involved / propose others
  • Namoroka/mozilla-1.9.2 front end development:
    • 21 blockers left, 7 are crashkill, 7 need patches
    • not including crashkill and review-waiting, we're below 10 and will keep it there
    • per tab prioritization for session restore bug 514490 landed
    • windows 7 aero peek per-tab preview is now preffed-off as per bug 525475

GFX Update

  • 13 blockers (-5 w/w)
    • Long poles right now are imagelib bugs (needs review from someone who knows imagelib) and a couple of Linux bugs (which have no patches yet).
  • 5 nominations
    • All annotated with should block/should not block in whiteboard; need a driver to make the final call.
  • Jeff is starting work on one of our quarterly goals, a scrolling interactivity benchmark. You can follow along in bug 527728.
  • Bas has built upon his DirectWrite font backend, bug 517642, with a Direct2D cairo backend, bug 527707.
    • Direct2D is a hardware-accelerated, quite Cairo-like API for Windows 7/Windows Vista, and it interoperates with Direct3D too.
    • The Direct2D backend depends on DirectWrite for fonts because GDI can't write to hardware-accelerated contexts.
    • This will be our second hardware-accelerated Cairo backend, after the OpenGL/DirectDraw backend used on the Tegra devices.
    • Along with DirectWrite, Microsoft has backported Direct2D to Windows Vista.
  • Rob's still working on the bug reports that have resulted in us turning Aero Peek off in 3.6.
  • Jim's got an initial, prototype patch for cross-process windowless plugins on Windows. bug 522299
  • Mark's WebGL implementation still coming along well.
    • One issue is that WebGL arrays are different from JS arrays, and that can cause perf issues. Mark's got some ideas.
  • Blockers, topcrashes, electrolysis, performance.

Layout Update

  • Blocker report
    • 1 nom (which will not block)
    • 7 Blockers:
      • 1 only needs branch landing (bug 501627)
      • 1 needs trunk and branch landing (bug 527306)
      • 1 needs review (bug 522787)
      • 1 has a patch, but maybe needs a better fix/to be reassigned (bug 525856)
      • 2 are frame poisoning improvements and probably should not block IMHO (bug 507294, bug 522088)
      • 1 is a crashkill bug that is still being researched, probably should not block IMHO (bug 492675)
  • N900 arrived!
  • [roc] failed to fix httpd.js GC issues, still no GC happening
  • VMWare record and replay much improved, still working on automation to help with orange analysis

Content Update

  • 1.9.2
  • Continuing the crashkill effort
  • HTML5 parser update (hsivonen)
  • async script loading for 1.9.2 (sicking)? (bug 503481)

Platform-specific Support Update


Startup Performance

  • Snapshot results for startup (and all other tests) are now available here.
    • Data from Friday 11/6
    • Once deployed to graphs.m.o (bug 527703), it'll be updated every 5 minutes.
  • Latest weekly update is here.
  • Taras and Joel have much more library IO data in bug 524202, and Joel is pushing forward with making the build more static in bug 525013.
  • Ryan landed bug 507073, combining the two browser binary components that we ship into one.
  • Peterv just landed bug 512645, removing the 10ms setTimeout wait in chrome.


pending reviews

feature review date who interested
Windows TSF integration (1.9.2) unscheduled Jim Chen, roc
DNS Prefetching unscheduled Patrick McManus Jesse, bz, reed(?), ctalbert
New system metrics (and media queries) unscheduled  ? dbaron

Top Security Bugs


  • necko: We're close to having child process create HTTP channel in parent.
  • windows deadlocks gone.
  • landing plugins on trunk blocker tracker: bug 523094

Tree Management

  • Talos downtime Wednesday 8am-11am PST to:
  • ideas for reducing try talos wait times
    • out of space in colo; local master-and-slaves, other colos
    • stop running try-talos twice per job.
  • bug 524047 Power maintenance: all mobile devices will be off weekend.


  • (vlad) tinderbox+pushlog broken on Windows -- anyone know how to fix? Also, it's become a pretty important part of our infrastructure; can we get some dev time for improvements etc.?
  • (beltzner) power's going out this weekend - tree policy?