Reps/SOPs/Budget/Summit 2013 reimbursement

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Warning signWarning: With effect from 1st September 2023, the Mozilla Reps program was closed and activities ended.

More than 900 Mozilla volunteers will be attending Mozilla's Summit 2013, which will take place on October 4 - 6, 2013 in Brussels, Belgium / Santa Clara, USA / Toronto, Canada.

Many Mozillians will need to apply for a visa in order to travel to the Summit. Applying for a visa involves some expenses like processing fees, travel to/from the nearest consulate/embassy and courier services (if passeport needs to be mailed to the consulate/embassy).

In order for Mozillians to get reimbursed these fees, a reimbursement request can be made through the Mozilla Reps budget request process.

List of visa expenses that are reimbursed

  • visa processing fees
  • public transport to/from consulate or embassy
  • courier service (fedex or ups) to mail passeport

NB: reimbursed cannot be processed if receipts are NOT provided

Reps requesting re-imbursement or cash advance funding for Summit visa expenses

For Mozilla Reps who require reimbursement or a cash advance for their Summit visa expenses, follow the standard process.

Non-Reps requesting re-imbursement for Summit visa expenses

Mozillians who are not Mozilla Reps should contact a local Rep and the Rep will help them get reimbursed. The process is as follows:

Step 1: contact a Rep in your country*
Step 2: once the Rep has accepted to process your reimbursement, send him/her all your scanned receipts and bank details/paypal account
Step 3: inform the Rep once you have successfully received the funds.

Reps requesting re-imbursement for Summit visa expenses on behalf of non-Reps

Mozilla Reps who are have accepted to help non-Reps get reimbursed for their Summit visa fees should follow this simple process:

Step 1: file one budget request bug for *all* non-reps you're processing reimbursements for
Step 2: attach all relevant receipts to the bug
Step 3: provide a detailed breakdown of all expenses and the total amount to be processed
Step 4: once you have received the funds from Mozilla, ensure that each non-Rep you are helping get reimbursed.