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Beta 2

  • Status: Active
  • Start Date:
  • Forecast Completion Date:
  • Actual Completion Date:

All MVP Bugs

Full Query
ID Summary Status Assigned to Priority
1535104 Network.requestWillBeSent should track file:// and data: requests RESOLVED P3
1547198 Fire Runtime.executionContextDestroyed when the tab closes RESOLVED P3
1552326 Implement Network.setRequestInterception RESOLVED P3
1553847 Implement DOM.setFileInputFiles RESOLVED P5
1553854 Implement Runtime.consoleAPICalled RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1589784 Implement Network.loadingFailed RESOLVED P3
1590201 Implement Network.loadingFinished RESOLVED P3
1590220 Implement Network.requestServedFromCache RESOLVED P3
1591389 Implement support for Fetch.enable, Fetch.disable, Fetch.requestPaused, and basics for Fetch.continueRequest RESOLVED P2
1591522 Add "flatten" argument to Target.attachToTarget RESOLVED P3
1595177 Implement Input.insertText RESOLVED P2
1596390 Very poor performance for connecting to Firefox and closing the connection RESOLVED P3
1597660 Implement Page.lifecycleEvent for network related events RESOLVED P3
1599431 "Page.navigate" has to allow navigation by frameId RESOLVED P3
1601421 The execution context created by Page.createIsolatedWorld should have its own window global (sandbox) RESOLVED P2
1601695 Schedule script evaluation for scripts enqueued by Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument's source argument RESOLVED P2
1602083 Emit executionContextCreated for all contexts that exist when Runtime gets enabled RESOLVED P2
1603167 Restructure Sync.jsm and Error.jsm to better deal with lazy loading NEW P3
1603223 Decouple Page and Runtime domains RESOLVED P3
1605784 Implement Emulation.setTouchEmulationEnabled RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1606604 Build the remote agent on all release channels RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P3
1608294 Allow to send referrer via Page.navigate RESOLVED P3
1610855 Implement Target.targetInfoChanged RESOLVED Oliver Medhurst [:canadahonk] P3
1612538 Move all page navigation related code into parent process RESOLVED P3
1618863 Page.navigate doesn't fail for status code other than 200 (eg. 204 - no content) RESOLVED P2
1623482 Without calling a parent Runtime domain method no execution contexts are tracked internally RESOLVED P3
1628589 Run Puppeteer unit tests for all the changes on trunk RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1632007 Page.navigate should return loaderId for data:* urls RESOLVED P3
1632507 Page.navigate should report an error for unknown url scheme RESOLVED P2
1632649 Page.navigate should work with same-document anchor navigation RESOLVED P2
1632711 Stand up Wordpress gutenberg against Firefox Nightly in CI RESOLVED Maja Frydrychowicz :impossibus (was :maja_zf) (needinfo me) P2
1634690 Page.navigate should return loaderId for file:* urls RESOLVED P3
1634693 Page load events should be emitted when navigating to a file: url RESOLVED P3
1634695 Navigating with file: protocol returns wrong frameId and causes hang of various Page domain related methods RESOLVED P3
1635568 Split-out event listeners from observer classes RESOLVED P3
1635685 Refactor observer classes for singletons RESOLVED P3
1636272 Check which Runtime commands are not allowed to run without the Runtime being enabled. RESOLVED P3
1636384 Runtime.disable has to send Runtime.executionContextDestroyed events for all registered contexts RESOLVED Oliver Medhurst [:canadahonk] P2
1636970 Page.frameStoppedLoading is emitted at the wrong time RESOLVED P2
1636979 Implement Target.detachedFromTarget RESOLVED P3
1636980 Implement Target.setAutoAttach RESOLVED P2
1637062 Implement Network.getResponseBody RESOLVED P2
1637063 Implement Network.setExtraHTTPHeaders RESOLVED P3
1637064 Implement Page.close RESOLVED P3
1637838 Propagate loaderId to non-Document request and response events RESOLVED P2
1637839 Network.responseReceived should be emitted after requestfinished RESOLVED P2
1638743 Target.createTarget doesn't emit Target.attachedToTarget event when "setAutoAttach" is enabled RESOLVED P3
1644657 Investigate when to send Runtime.executionContextDestroyed events on navigation RESOLVED P3
1644661 Emit Runtime.executionContextsCleared event in Runtime.disable RESOLVED Oliver Medhurst [:canadahonk] P3
1644826 Keyboard interrupt on ./mach puppeteer-test doesn't kill all child processes RESOLVED P2
1645065 Without calling a parent Page domain method no internal data is tracked RESOLVED P3
1649375 Implement Page.setBypassCSP RESOLVED P3
1650270 ExecutionContext creation fails (debuggee.docShell is null) after Page.frameDetached RESOLVED P2
1670286 Sync vendored puppeteer to v5.5.0 RESOLVED Maja Frydrychowicz :impossibus (was :maja_zf) (needinfo me) P3
1672461 Pin package dependencies when installing Puppeteer in Mozilla CI RESOLVED Maja Frydrychowicz :impossibus (was :maja_zf) (needinfo me) P2
1679808 ExecutionContext._toRemoteObject() has to better handle certain objects (Promises, plain objects, window) RESOLVED P2
1680504 Implement Runtime.exceptionThrown RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1680740 Implement Target.getTargets RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1680780 Set correct `attached` status for Targets in TargetInfo RESOLVED Oliver Medhurst [:canadahonk] P3
1683392 High CPU load for "mach puppeteer-test" since using "npm ci" RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P2

60 Total; 1 Open (1.67%); 59 Resolved (98.33%); 0 Verified (0%);

All Reserve Bugs

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


  • Status: Completed
  • Start Date: December 13, 2019
  • Forecast Completion Date: June 5, 2020
  • Actual Completion Date: May 20, 2020
  • For details view the Project Tracking Dashboard.

All MVP Bugs

Full Query
ID Summary Status Assigned to Priority
1544417 Implement Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride's RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1565164 Rename "plurals" modules to Lists or equivalent RESOLVED Andreas Tolfsen ❲:ato❳ P1
1587845 Add "clip" argument to Page.captureScreenshot RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1588114 Implement Network.setCookie and Network.setCookies RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1590098 Implement Network.getCookies RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1590102 Implement Network.deleteCookies RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1593226 Runtime.executionContextCreated and Runtime.executionContextDestroyed are not emitted for frames RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1593979 "mach test" for remote/test/browser/*/ fails after a clobber with head.js not found RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1596136 "Emulation.setUserAgentOverride" should only affect the current target RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1596601 Add place-holder for Page.setInterceptFileChooserDialog RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1596883 [Puppeteer] (Laucher, BrowserFetcher) Download appropriate Firefox version; determine executable path RESOLVED Maja Frydrychowicz :impossibus (was :maja_zf) (needinfo me) P1
1596886 [Puppeteer] [CI] Run unit tests against Firefox Nightly RESOLVED Maja Frydrychowicz :impossibus (was :maja_zf) (needinfo me) P1
1597227 Investigate options for not forcing a GC in nsHttpServer._connectionClosed RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1597343 Runtime.evaluate returns an object id instead of its value RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1598286 Enable remote agent on Windows AArch64 RESOLVED Andreas Tolfsen ❲:ato❳ P1
1599257 "Page.navigate" has to block until a response received RESOLVED Maja Frydrychowicz :impossibus (was :maja_zf) (needinfo me) P1
1599260 Add support for "loaderId" to "Page.lifecycleEvent" RESOLVED Maja Frydrychowicz :impossibus (was :maja_zf) (needinfo me) P1
1599413 Implement Page.frameAttached RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1599773 Implement Page.frameDetached RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1599994 Implement Page.printToPDF RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1600053 Implement IO.read RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1600055 Get rid of using "outerWindowID" in favor of "browsingContext.id" RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1600058 Implement IO.close RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1600330 Write tests for nsIRemoteAgent interface RESOLVED Andreas Tolfsen ❲:ato❳ P1
1600959 Implement Runtime.executionContextsCleared RESOLVED Maja Frydrychowicz :impossibus (was :maja_zf) (needinfo me) P1
1603078 Run remote(pup) with Fission enabled RESOLVED Andreas Tolfsen ❲:ato❳ P1
1603451 browser-chrome test name not logged RESOLVED Andreas Tolfsen ❲:ato❳ P1
1605359 Page.getFrameTree has to return details for all frames in the current tab RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1606317 ignorehttpserrors.spec.js:30:5 - FAILED while running "beforeEach" in suite "Firefox ignoreHTTPSErrors" RESOLVED Andreas Tolfsen ❲:ato❳ P1
1606612 Pretty-print WebSocket packets when verbose logging is turned on RESOLVED Andreas Tolfsen ❲:ato❳ P1
1606613 Stop logging handled errors RESOLVED Andreas Tolfsen ❲:ato❳ P1
1606818 Use nsIHttpServer API to unregister path handler RESOLVED Andreas Tolfsen ❲:ato❳ P1
1606828 Add -v[v] shorthand flag to ./mach puppeteer-test RESOLVED Andreas Tolfsen ❲:ato❳ P1
1606834 Document fit/fdescribe for Puppeteer tests RESOLVED Andreas Tolfsen ❲:ato❳ P1
1607461 Implement Network.setCacheDisabled RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1607500 Task function name in browser_agent.js test broken RESOLVED Andreas Tolfsen ❲:ato❳ P1
1607560 Implement DOM.describeNode RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1607562 Implement DOM.resolveNode RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1608370 No startup/shutdown profile written for Marionette based test jobs RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1609627 Implement Page.navigateToHistoryEntry RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1610374 Intermittent remote/test/browser/page/browser_navigateToHistoryEntry.js | Got expected current index - Got 2, expected 1 RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1610377 Intermittent remote/test/browser/page/browser_getNavigationHistory.js | Got expected current index - Got 2, expected 0 RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1612174 Emit "init" lifecycleEvent in Runtime.evaluate when document.open() is called (to fix page.setContent in Puppeteer) RESOLVED Maja Frydrychowicz :impossibus (was :maja_zf) (needinfo me) P1
1615260 Response for Runtime.callFunctionOn with returnbyValue shouldn't return value when it's not serializable RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1615368 Response for Runtime.callFunctionOn with returnbyValue misses "type" and "description" RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1619548 Update expectation states of Puppeteer tests to pass on MacOS RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1623484 Runtime.evaluate and Runtime.callFunctionOn return wrong data for Symbol and BigInt types RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1623581 Add support for "returnByValue" and "awaitPromise" to Runtime.evaluate RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1633042 Intermittent remote/test/browser/page/browser_navigate.js | Uncaught exception - [Exception... "(null)" nsresult: "0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE)" location: "<unknown>" data: no] RESOLVED Maja Frydrychowicz :impossibus (was :maja_zf) (needinfo me) P1
1634029 Reorganize observer modules and simplify watching for created/closed browser windows RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1

50 Total; 0 Open (0%); 50 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

All Reserve Bugs

Full Query
ID Summary Status Assigned to Priority
1552324 Implement Network.responseReceived RESOLVED Maja Frydrychowicz :impossibus (was :maja_zf) (needinfo me) P1
1553849 Implement "offline" mode for Network.emulateNetworkConditions RESOLVED Etienne Bruines P3
1596734 Protocol error (Target.setDiscoverTargets): this.browsingContext is null RESOLVED P3
1596881 [Puppeteer] (Launcher) connect to a running Firefox instance RESOLVED Maja Frydrychowicz :impossibus (was :maja_zf) (needinfo me) P1
1623128 Run Puppeteer unit tests on ubuntu18.04. RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1632710 Sync vendored puppeteer to v3 RESOLVED Maja Frydrychowicz :impossibus (was :maja_zf) (needinfo me) P1
1634691 Return early in Page.navigate for all non-http traffic RESOLVED Maja Frydrychowicz :impossibus (was :maja_zf) (needinfo me) P1
1636373 Runtime.executionContextsCleared should only be emitted for top-frame navigation RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1636816 Fix missing headers and url in Network.requestWillBeSent RESOLVED Maja Frydrychowicz :impossibus (was :maja_zf) (needinfo me) P1
1637363 Add subframe support when returning frameId in Network events RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1637619 Implement Network.getAllCookies RESOLVED Etienne Bruines P3
1637640 Enable page load events for frames RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1641839 Only emit Page.frameAttached and Page.frameAttached for frames RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1644695 DOM.describeNode for a frame doesn't return its own id but the parent id RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1646293 Page.navigate hangs for error pages RESOLVED P3
1647439 Sync vendored puppeteer to v5.0.0 RESOLVED Maja Frydrychowicz :impossibus (was :maja_zf) (needinfo me) P1

16 Total; 0 Open (0%); 16 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);


Full Query
ID Summary Status Assigned to Priority
1526364 Show visual cue when remote agent is active RESOLVED Andreas Tolfsen ❲:ato❳ P1
1543115 Accomodate to Puppeteer grepping stderr to fetch WebSocket server URL RESOLVED Andreas Tolfsen ❲:ato❳ P1
1544393 Ship remote agent in Nightly RESOLVED Andreas Tolfsen ❲:ato❳ P1
1549708 Implement Page.reload's ignoreCache argument RESOLVED Andreas Tolfsen ❲:ato❳ P1
1585272 Protocol error (Network.enable): Component returned failure code: 0xc1f30100 (NS_ERROR_FACTORY_EXISTS) [nsIComponentRegistrar.registerFactory] NetworkObserver@chrome://remote/content/domains/parent/network/NetworkObserver.jsm:74 RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1587846 Add "format" and "quality" arguments to Page.captureScreenshot RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1589625 Remote browser chrome tests do not correctly clean-up after tests RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1590467 Implement minimal UX for running puppeteer with Firefox RESOLVED Maja Frydrychowicz :impossibus (was :maja_zf) (needinfo me) P1
1590826 Drop stdout workaround from Puppeteer clone RESOLVED Andreas Tolfsen ❲:ato❳ P1
1590827 Add remote-agent-requested system notification RESOLVED Andreas Tolfsen ❲:ato❳ P1
1591927 Implement Security.setIgnoreCertificateErrors RESOLVED Andreas Tolfsen ❲:ato❳ P1
1592643 Implement Target.activateTarget RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1594351 Include remote agent status in about:support RESOLVED Andreas Tolfsen ❲:ato❳ P1
1594871 Intermittent remote/test/browser/page/browser_captureScreenshot.js | Size of quality 10 is smaller than default - RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1595112 Improve performance of browser chrome tests by caching the CDP client code across tests of the same domain RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1595528 In-tree Puppeteer unit tests and examples don't work with Chrome/Chromium RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1595697 Implement Emulation.setUserAgentOverride RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1596101 Forward Network.setUserAgentOverride to Emulation.setUserAgentOverride RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1596729 Document how to debug system observer notifications RESOLVED Andreas Tolfsen ❲:ato❳ P1
1596888 [Puppeteer] Add recommended automation preferences to profile setup when launching Firefox RESOLVED Maja Frydrychowicz :impossibus (was :maja_zf) (needinfo me) P1
1597253 Implement Page.lifecycleEvent RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1597259 Implement Page.setLifecycleEventsEnabled RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1597643 Implement Page.frameStartedLoading RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1597877 Implement Page.createIsolatedWorld RESOLVED Maja Frydrychowicz :impossibus (was :maja_zf) (needinfo me) P1
1598468 Temporarily stop emitting Target.receivedMessageFromTarget events due to massive spamming in the console RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1
1599400 Revendor Puppeteer from upstream RESOLVED Andreas Tolfsen ❲:ato❳ P1
1600081 Fix build instructions with new startup in mind RESOLVED Andreas Tolfsen ❲:ato❳ P1
1600317 Add workaround for denying non-CDP methods to be called RESOLVED Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+2] (away 10/03 - 10/13) P1

28 Total; 0 Open (0%); 28 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);