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84 bytes added, 11:09, 29 December 2015
Added taskcluster-secrets component as a module (module owner: dustin) and ordered (sorted) the named modules
This is a list of components which as a whole make up TaskCluster... Please contact the owners and visit the github pages for full context:
* [ auth] - jonasfj
* [ aws-provisioner] - jhford
* [ docker-worker] - garndt
* [ events] - jonasfj
* [ generic-worker] - pmoore
* [ heroku-grafana] - jonasfj
* [ index] - jonasfj
* [ mozilla-taskcluster] - garndt
* [ queue] - jonasfj
* [ s3-copy-proxy] - jhford (possibly?)
* [ scheduler] - jonasfj
* [ auth] - jonasfj* [ index] - jonasfj* [ events] - jonasfj* [ tools] - jonasfj* [ s3-copy-proxy] - jhford (possibly?)* [ taskcluster mozilla-taskclustercli] - garndt* [ docker-worker] - garndt* [ generic-worker] - pmoore
* [ taskcluster-client-go] - pmoore
* [ taskcluster-client-py] - jhford
* [ github taskcluster-cligithub] - garndtdividehex* [ taskcluster-secrets] - dustin
* [ taskcluster-vcs] - garndt
* [ heroku-grafanatools tools] - jonasfj* [ taskcluster-github] - dividehex

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