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L10N Worksprint


While having the leads and volunteers of a bunch of localizations around, Axel wants to get some hands-on experience on

   * l10n nightlies
   * testing
   * filing good bug reports or suggestions
   * narrowing down how to fix a problem
   * verification on tinderbox builds 

We'll try to get everyone onto the same page on how to find a nightly or a tinderbox build, and what the difference is. We'll gather some experience running the mozmill l10n tests, too. What tools are there to dig into a problem? DOMI, mxr, glossary tool, bookmarklets. Hopefully we'll have some bugs to fix onsite, which we can then land, and just a coffee later, verify the fixes.


SUMO Worksprint


On SUMO we've found out, that the top 20 articles cover 50% of the traffic to SUMO. So the hands-on session for will be focussed on localizing those top 20 articles. For locales that have already done that, we have the top 50 and top 100 waiting. We'll also have a look at the UI translation of SUMO on Verbatim, how to do and what to do there.

Since we'll have released our new KB software 4 days prior to this day, this will also be a chance to get familiar with it while one of the designers of the system is standing nearby ;)


QA Worksprint


For the QA(Quality Assurance session), Milos is going to present our community members all the sweetest bits of adhoc testing, litmus, automated testing, crashes, bug filing procedures and such. We're going to test Firefox and Thunderbird localized builds, as well as a special website we're going to deploy to production soon.

There are no skill requirements for getting involved and being productive in this worksprint. Only thing you'll need is laptop and working internet connection which will be provided for you.


Jetpack/Addons worksprint