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General information: Toronto Sept 2008

The plan is to lead off with a general overview of Mozilla technologies, both desktop and web based. Afterward, a presentation on building web and desktop applications from external projects - covering the pros and cons of using Mozilla technologies from a real world perspective. Then we could break into two separate tracks: Desktop track and Web track. The two tracks would carry on for the remainder of the first day. The second day would be dedicated to two types of hands-on workshops. The workshops would allow attendees to try their hand at building extensions, applications, automated tests, and cutting edge web content.

Whether working on extensions, web content, or the Mozilla platform itself, testing is always a factor. To address this, we will devote three sessions on the second day to different types of testing available from our existing test harnesses. We will cover UI automation, API testing, web interactivity testing, memory leak testing, and performance testing.

All the sessions on the second day will be hands-on, so come ready to participate. Breakout sessions and tutorials are also possible on both days.

Note: #devday channel on server for backchannel chatting on the days of the event!


Day 1 - September 15

Time Topic
10:00am Welcome and Introduction
10:15am-11:00am Overview of Mozilla Technologies
11:15am-12:30pm Case Studies of Projects Using Mozilla Technologies
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm-2:15pm The Many Faces of Mozilla - Desktop, Embedding and Web
Time Desktop Track Web Track
2:30pm-3:30pm Applications DOM [offline, worker threads, JSON and selectors]
3:45pm-4:45pm Extensions Multimedia [video & graphics]
5:00pm-5:30pm Q&A Panel

Day 2 - September 16

Time Topic
9:00am Workshop kickoff
9:15am XUL (App and Add-on) Workshop I XPCShell Testing
11:00am XUL (App and Add-on) Workshop II Mochitest Testing
12:30 Lunch
1:30pm XUL (App and Add-on) Workshop III Memory Leak Testing / Lightweight UI Automation
3:00pm Looking ahead, wrap up
3:30pm End

Please feel free to propose a discussion on the Proposed Topics page.