From MozillaWiki
- sole
- dietrich
- jason
- havi
- potch
- coco
Standing Agenda Items
Weekly Team Update from Jason
- Will meet in May to talk about events budget
- Video bumpers
- Use our youtube channel, want to increase subscriptions
- Use the bumpers on longer videos
- Working with events team to track:
- events for dev edition
- tracking people we recommend to go speak
- will be coming up with way to do this
- tracking: will be using shorturl codes and more
- Jason will send out metrics plan
- everyone should be talking about all products
- team will start doing 2 min updates during meetings
Nonverbal Updates
- At Fluent most of this week. Back Thursday afternoon.
- PyCon is a wrap! Talk videos at:
- Rust:
- CoreOS:
- The Rust talk is currently the ~5th most viewed video from PyCon 2015 out of ~135.
- Further discussion on Reddit:
- Notes on Firefox usage:
- Chrome was by far the predominant browser, though Firefox seemed to be preferred by attendees running Linux. I saw zero people using IE or Safari.
- A few Chrome users installed Nightly and set it as their default browser after demoing E10S.
- One Chrome user switched to DevEdition after demoing Valence.
- Most other folks are sticking with Chrome because "it's just faster."
- A few folks expressed the sentiment that Chrome is "getting bloated and crappier."
- Got to play with one of the Ubuntu phone prototypes.
- It's very nice. The UI is extremely fast and fluid, including a lot of hardware accelerated 3D effects during task switching.
- Side-by-side, FxOS is not compelling.
- tech speakers curriculum, wiki polishing to start pilot
- animations patch for gaia, landing soon, have review from almost everyone
- wrote up hacks post on animations, doing a video demo to go with it
- Presenting at Fluent Hardware Showcase Tues/Wed
- Showing off WebVR goodness!
- Giving a tour of the MV office to a group of young entrepreneurs for an ABC Family documentary on Friday
- Working on wireframes for new Hacks site
- Will share this week
- Got accepted to CascadiaJS!
- Starting on WebRTC Content Kit
- Preparing talk for EmpireJS. As usual lots of byproducts coming out of it :-)
- Someone (not me) has got excited by the p2p stuff I've been digging out and is proposing a talk on p2p web for (!!!)
- Web Audio meetup #1 talks are online! We have a website and a YouTube channel! The rest of organisers are super collaborative and pretty much the meetup happens by itself:
- Add Hacks ideas to
- Review the CFP calendar
Other Topics
(Try to keep things timeboxed and concrete. E.g., can we actually make a yes/no decision in this meeting? If not, discuss on list first.)