Extension Manager:UI Update questions

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1. What specific information do we show in the detail view of an add-on (for installed and available add-ons)?
Both have
  • Add-on Description
  • Name of author with link to their AMO profile
  • Add-on icon
  • Add-on image
  • Date updated
  • Link to add-on homepage
  • Link to AMO page (Mozilla Profile) in screenshots
Only installed have:
  • User's rating
  • Remove and Disable
  • Contribute button
  • Preferences
Only not installed have:
  • Community star rating and link to comments
  • Install button
Question1 detailview installednot.png
2. What specific information do we show in the list view of an add-on (for installed and available add-ons)?
Both have:
  • Name of author with link to their AMO profile
  • Add-on icon
  • Date updated
  • Abridged description
Only installed have:
  • User's rating
  • Remove and Disable
  • Contribute button
Only not installed have:
  • Community star rating and link to comments
  • Install button
Question2 installedvsnot.png
3. Do we need a search tab?
  • Only a "Search Results" tab, which appears when the search box on the right is used.
Image3 searchtab.png
4. Do we need a search box?
  • Yes. It is the only way to conduct a search and is present at all times.
Image4 searchbox.png
5. How do we display add-ons that have just been installed (during this session and those that were installed last session but needed a restart)?
Downloading add-ons display only in the categories that they will end up in. For the next three sessions, these add-ons show at the top of a category, and an icon marks that these add-ons are "new."
Image5 newicon.png
6. How do we notify users than an add-on has been updated?
An icon shows that an add-on has been recently update.
Image6 updated.png
7. How do we notify users that application Crabtree has installed an add-on into Firefox and what choices do we give them?
The next time the user starts the browser, they see a notification telling them that Crabtree has installed an add-on. This notification provides a link both to remove the add-on and to view it. The way this notification displays will depend on how the notification redesign project goes. Currently such a notification would displays as a yellow bar that grows down out of the toolbar.
(image here, yo)
8. How do we let users select different categories of add-ons?
They click one (I may not be understanding the question, your honor)
9. How do we notify users that the new version of Firefox they have started has had to disable some of their add-ons?
If the Firefox release is a major update, installed via wizard from Firefox, we do a diagnostic and warn them which add-ons will not be compatible. When the browser starts, we give a notification (see question 7 about unknown design) with the names of the add-ons and a link to the add-ons manager. The add-ons manager will display the now disabled add-ons with a notification on each that they were disabled because of compatibility.
10. How does the UI demonstrate that users can only choose to display a single theme at a time?
I don't know yet. Design due 2/4/2010
11. How do Personas and Themes live together?
I don't know yet. Design due 2/4/2010
12. How does installing an add-on from AMO work, for add-ons that need a restart and ones that don't?
Download install amo.png
13. How are multiple screenshots for a single add-on displayed in the extension manager?
14. How are multiple developers handled?
Multiple developers for an add-on is relatively rare, since teams largest than one person usually list the name of a company or group. If there are multiple names, using the same default order as AMO is fine.