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Planning Meeting Details

  • Wednesdays - 11:00am PT, 18:00 UTC
  • Mountain View Offices: Warp Core Conference Room
  • Toronto Offices: Finch Conference Room
  • #planning for backchannel
  • (the developer meeting takes place on Tuesdays)

Video/Teleconference Details - NEW

  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 99696 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 99696 (US)
  • Vidyo Room: ProductCoordination
  • Vidyo Guest URL
These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.

Actions from Last Week

Schedule & Progress on Upcoming Releases

Firefox Desktop & Platform

Current Releases

  • Firefox Desktop(throttled at 10%) & Mobile 27.0 released
  • ESR 24.3.0 released

Beta (129)

  • FF28.0b1 build 2 going to kick off in a few hours
    • Due to blocker bug bug 968108 - Can't switch from Desktop to Metro mode with Firefox 28 beta 1
    • Will also be addressing l10n mishap in this rebuild so 28.0b1 has correct strings

Aurora (54)

  • Aurora updates are throttled until FF29 sign off
    • Plan is to ship with Australis, sync enabled

Nightly (130)

Firefox Metro

Firefox Mobile

Current Releases

Beta (129)

Features for Fx28

Aurora (54)

Features for Fx29

  • FxA/Sync 1.5
  • APK Synthesis
  • Foundation work for Firefox Hub (APIs to allow add-ons to store and add panels to display data)
  • Startup and pageload wins

Nightly (130)

Feature List for Fx30

Developer Tools

  • Landings
    • content script debugging
    • A Bunch of Theme Stuff
    • Performance Statistics in Network Panel bug 966755
    • Copy as Data URI on images in Net panel and Inspector
    • Autocompletion of CSS values and properties in the Source Editor bug 717369
  • Aurora Uplifts
    • Box Highlighter patch bug 663778
    • working through some SDK / ui issues with Australis
  • Outbound
    • Aurora post next week
    • considering inspector post, depends on box highlighter patch status

Feedback Summary


Prepping Firefox 26 USR


Prepping Firefox 26 USR

UX & User Research

Market Insights from the Market Strategy Team

Desktop / Platform

  • GFI labs reports that 2013 saw a greater number of high severity vulnerabilities in popular operating systems, browsers and other softwares as listed in the National Vulnerability Database (NVD). A total of 4,794 security vulnerabilities were reported, the highest number recorded in the last five years, with 13 reports per day, a third of them "high severity." [1] Meanwhile, Google expanded the scope and reward structure for its vulnerability reward program. [2]
  • Microsoft is running tests which hide by default the tiled Metro interface on Windows 8.1 [3] as most Windows 8 users still use a mouse and keyboard. [4] Microsoft is also testing an Enterprise Mode for IE (EMIE) for IE11, enabling Enterprise IT to tailor compatibility mode for intranet sites and internal apps built for previous IE versions without losing new features of IE11, [5] solving a few of the use-cases that tools such as Browsium attempt to solve. [6] These changes are likely to come with Windows 8.1 Update 1, rather than with Windows 9 codenamed "Threshold" [7]
  • Kik, the smartphone messenger app with 120 million users, became the first to embed its own browser into the messenger, [8] along with offering a toolkit for Web developers to tailor their sites for Kik [9], going beyond the content cards it had previously introduced. [10]

Marketing, Press & Public Reaction

Questions, Comments, FYI

  • zdnet post is way off base and misleading - PR can work to 'respond' to this article with older blog posts that demonstrate the invalid info

Actions this week