
< MozCamp

This page is for Archive purposes

MozCamp Utrech has taken place on Friday on March 6th, 2009. This page is to remain for posterity (and mostly in order to capitalize on this experience).

Want to get an idea of how it went? See

Event Details


MozCamps are local events for people passionate about the open web. Each event includes discussion, hands-on-demos and collaborative scheming about ways to promote and protect the open participatory nature of the internet. Local Mozillians, bloggers, designers, hackers, creative commoners and other web aficionados present and participate. MozCamps are not just about Mozilla. They are about making the web more open.


Friday 6 March, 2009 from 10:00 to 17:00


"MozCamp Utrecht" is to take place in the auditorium @ SURFnet. Use the following address for getting there:

Radboudkwartier 273
3511 CK Utrecht

Directions for getting to SURFnet can be found @



Time Slot Auditorium
09:00 - 09:45 WELCOME COFFEE
09:45 - 10:00 I have a dream ... of an Open Web - Jan Willem Broekema
10:00 - 10:30 "What is the Open Web and Why it Matters" - Tristan Nitot
10:30 - 10:45 demo: The Web can do much more than you think - Video, Canvas and cool stuff for 2009 - Paul Rouget
10:45 - 11:00 demo: Take back control over the Web using JavaScript, Add-ons and Ubiquity - Olivier Gambier
11:00 - 11:15 COFFEE BREAK
11:30 - 12:00 Legal Aspects of the Open Web - Arnoud Engelfriet
12:00 - 12:15 The Dutch Mozilla Community Exposed - Wim Benes
12:15 - 12:45 Mozilla Labs and Open Innovation - Tristan Nitot
12:45 - 13:30 LUNCH
12:45 - 13:30 Certificate assurances and PGP key signing party
Ian Grigg, Philipp Dunkel and Teus Hagen
  Break Out Room I Break Out Room II Auditorium
13:30 - 14:15 Linked Media: Weaving non-textual content into the semantic web - Raphaël Troncy "How to develop web applications with Firefox and Firebug" - Joor Loohuis Hack to take control of your Web experience: under the hood of GreaseMonkey, Ubiquity and Extensions - Olivier Gambier
14:15 - 15:00 HTML 5 in context - Sander van Lambalgen XForms and Declarative Applications - Steven Pemberton Tech talk: Under the hood of the morning's demos - Paul Rouget
15:00 - 15:15 COFFEE BREAK
15:15 - 16:00 How to promote the benefits of the Open Web and Open Source locally (with help of local organizations)
16:00 - 17:30 SOCIAL EVENT

Certificate assurances and PGP key signing party

Preparations For CAcert assurances and PGP key signing party at MozCamps lunch time one will need to attend prepared:

  • for CAcert Assurance: have a CAcert account created and have a printout of the Assurance Form: use e.g. CAP html form to print out the (pdf) CAP form.
  • for PGP key signing: create your pgp key and have a printout of the pgp fingerprint.

More detailed information about assurance and key signing preparations.

Social Event

To finish the MozCamp event there will be a social event where people can enjoy some drinks and discuss the talks and do some networking. The social event is organized by our host, SURFnet Foundation.

Coverage of MozCamp Utrecht


The sessions in the auditorium have been recorded and are available:

  1. I have a dream ... of an Open Web (Jan Willem Broekema)
  2. What is the Open Web and Why it Matters (Tristan Nitot, Paul Rouget, Olivier Gambier)
  3. Legal Aspects of the Open Web (Arnoud Engelfriet)
  4. The Dutch Mozilla Community Exposed (Wim Benes)
  5. Mozilla Labs and Open Innovation (Tristan Nitot)
  6. Hack to take control of your Web experience: under the hood of GreaseMonkey, Ubiquity and Extensions (Olivier Gambier)
  7. How to promote the benefits of the Open Web and Open Source locally


Open Proposal Section

This will be a BarCamp-style open space event. Some sessions will be planned in advance (see Agenda). But people will also be able to propose short sessions and talks at the event.

Hands on workshops

Hands on workshops by whatever Mozilla community people are around. Possibilities include:

  • Localization.
  • Marketing.
  • Mozilla Manifesto.
  • Add on development.
  • Open (Ogg Theora) video.
  • Also, similar hands on workshops by other local people and projects.
  • Embedding CC metadata.
  • Running online participatory projects etc...

Proposed Agenda

The agenda has a more definitive state and can be found elsewhere on this page.

Proposed Sessions

Currently, these sessions are proposed for the MozCamp:

  • "The Netherlands Open in Connection" (Fabrice Mous, NOiV)
  • Talk on Distributed VCS/Mercurial? (Dirkjan Ochtman, hg developer)
  • Arnoud Engelfriet wants to do a talk about legal aspects of the (open) web, suggestions for specific topics are welcome (privacy versus cloud, software licenses, EULAs, ...)
  • Weave - 0.3 and beyond (Anant Narayanan, Mozilla Labs)
  • <session name (presenter name, affiliation)>

If you're thinking of running a session, please note it here so people know what to expect.

Topics I would like to hear about

If you want someone else to cover a topic, post here:

  • Rich Internet Applications (RIA), Mozilla Prism
  • Using media on the Open Web
  • Accessibility and the Open Web
  • Cloud Computing, where's the lock-in?
  • XForms
  • Working with open source communities, lessons for a government
  • Firefox on embedded devices (Fennec project)
  • low adoption rate Firefox at The Netherlands [1]
  • I'd like to hear about Weave
  • I'd like to hear about Ubiquity
  • I'd like to hear about Bespin
  • Semantic Web
  • <your topic goes here>

Participate and Register

Visitors are asked to register themselves on this form. Also we invite you to edit this page and add your name below. Include a link to your blog or web site if you have one. This shows the support for this event.

Be aware that 'MozCamp Utrecht' offers facilities for 65 people. So we have limited room.

  1. Tristan Nitot
  2. Olivier Gambier
  3. Paul Rouget
  4. Fabrice Mous
  5. Marcel Nijenhof
  6. Arnoud Engelfriet
  7. Dirkjan Ochtman
  8. Jelle de Jong
  9. Cecil Westerhof
  10. Okke Harsta
  11. Sander van Lambalgen
  12. Tycho Bismeijer
  13. Teus Hagen (CAcert Assurer and GPG key signer)
  14. Philipp Dunkel (CAcert Assurer)
  15. Ian Grigg (CAcert Audit)
  16. Anant Narayanan
  17. Wim Benes
  18. Irakli Gozalishvili
  19. Jonathan Watt
  20. Hay Kranen, secretary for Wikimedia Nederland
  21. Remco Wendt
  22. Ludovic Hirlimann
  23. Jelmer Vernooij
  24. Krijn Hoetmer
  25. Rory Schellekens
  26. Martijn Wargers
  27. Freddy Vulto
  28. Erik Snoeijs
  29. Massimiliano Mirra

Or mail the organisator team mozcamp2009 (a)

Sleeping Accomodation

Please note that some people from the Mozilla project are already staying at the NH Hotel Utrecht.

NH Hotel Utrecht
Jaarbeursplein, 24
3521 AR Utrecht (The Netherlands)
Tel: +31.30.2977977
Fax: +31.30.2977999

Apollo Hotel Utrecht City Centre
Vredenburg 14
3511 BA Utrecht (The Netherlands)
Tel: +31.30 23 31 232

Organisation Team

Some people are currently involved in organizing the MozCamp event in The Netherlands. If you are interested to help out on some organizational stuff please contact the team MozCamp2009 (a)

Supporting Partners

The following organizations are supporting the MozCamp event at Utrecht.

Post Mortem

This section has been written after the event

What could be improved?

  • Bigger room for larger attendance
  • More communication while announcing the event in order to reach out to more potential attendees
  • It would be nice to "productize"/package the demos in order to be able to reuse them in the future
  • Demos for the Innovation talk.
  • Opera was invited but could not make it. Let's make sure we have other browser vendors to demonstrate that it's more about the Open Web than just Mozilla.

What worked well?

  • The overall agenda. The purpose of the morning was to get people excited about the possibilities of the Open Web, and the importance of its 'hackability', then the afternoon was more technical, for people who wanted to see under the hood. The final session was about participation. (See below for details).
  • Content (at least for Tristan) was designed for the event and it worked well. The early part of the first presentation was aiming at not very technical people, but were most likely useless considering the good technical level of attendees
  • Paul's and Olivier's demos were amazing
  • The latest session was largely unstructured yet full of energy. Here is how we did:
    • Put organizers on stage, each of them representing their organization
    • First brainstorm with the attendees about what's wrong with the state of Open-Source/Open-Formats/Open-Web in their country. Write the results on a paper board
    • Review each issues listed earlier and brainstorm about the solutions. Write down solution. In the process, ask who (organization, individuals) could help in fixing them. List resources (URLs, names of organization) so that people can get in touch with in order to volunteer work.

Wishes for future MozCamps

  • More people! :-D
  • More MozCamps!
  • A better name. MozCamp sounds too Mozilla-centric. (yes, this is a lame attempt from Tristan to campaign for the "OpenWebCamp by Mozilla" name! ;-) )