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Engineering Meeting Details

  • Tuesday 2014-07-29 - 11:00 am Pacific Standard Time
  • Dial-in: Audio-only conference# 98411
    • People with Mozilla phones or softphones please dial x4000 Conf# 98411
    • US/Toll-free: +1 800 707 2533, (pin 4000) Conf# 98411
    • US/California/Mountain View: +1 650 903 0800, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • US/California/San Francisco: +1 415 762 5700, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • US/Oregon/Portland: +1 971 544 8000, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • CA/British Columbia/Vancouver: +1 778 785 1540, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • CA/Ontario/Toronto: +1 416 848 3114, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • UK/London: +44 (0)207 855 3000, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • FR/Paris: +33 1 84 88 37 37, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • Gmail Chat (requires Flash and the Google Talk plugin): paste +1 650 903 0800 into the Gmail Chat box that doesn't look like it accepts phone numbers
    • SkypeOut is free if you use the 800 number
  • Engineering Vidyo Room / Air Mozilla / MTV Warp Core / TOR Finch / SFO Warfield / PDX Hair of the Dog
  • join #planning for back channel

Need To Know

(Release and system issues that may impact engineering this week.)

Notices/Schedule (lmandel)

Next Merge: August 5, 2024 Next Release: August 6, 2024
Central: 130 Aurora: 54 Beta: 129 Release: 128
  • 32 beta2 ships today
  • 32 beta3 (desktop) go to build Thursday morning
  • ~60 tracked beta bugs - beta tracking followups coming to managers today

Build Changes (gps)

(Build changes of which engineers should be aware.)

RelEng (catlee)

(Repo, test, and other information for engineers from the release engineering team.)

Upcoming Outages/Upgrades

(System outages/upgrades and tree closures that impact engineering.)

Quality Programs

(An opportunity to hear about status with the various quality programs that do not have a formal team structure.)

OrangeFactor (ryanvm)

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  • Past week's OrangeFactor: N/A (lingering issues from last week's data collection issues) (Previous Week: N/A).
  • 16 intermittent failures fixed in the last week - List - Thanks!.
    • Shout-out to Steven MacLeod for fixing the rampant docShell leaks.
    • Shout-out to JW Wang for ongoing media test fixes.

CritSmash (dbolter)

MemShrink (njn)

  • Leak testing was accidentally disabled by automation changes in Bug 886570 on July 17th. We discovered this and got it reenabled yesterday and all of the uncovered issues are either fixed or backed out.
  • Leak testing on b2g mochitests is coming soon. Bug 1038943.

Stability (kairo/bsmedberg)

Team Stand-ups

(In <2 mins, what did your team accomplish last week, on what is your team working on this week, and on what, if anything, is your team blocked? No questions during the stand-ups. All questions should be asked during the roundtable.)

A-team (jgriffin)

Accessibility (dbolter)

App Tools (prouget)

B2G Services (dougt)

Cloud Services (mmayo)

Developer Tools (robcee)

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  • Minor improvements.
  • 24 bugs fixed this week.

Hacks Post for Firefox 33

DOM (jst/overholt)

Electrolysis (e10s) (blassey)

  • A QMO Testday focused on e10s add-on testing is scheduled for Friday August 1:
  • Various ref test and crash fixes
  • bug 1013744 - Can now Web Console using CMD+OPT+K and CMD+OPT+I keyboard shortcuts in e10s

Firefox Desktop (gavin)

Summary of Work In Progress

  • You can find the most recently completed iteration performance report here
  • You can see the status of the current iteration in progress here

Summary of Recent Landings

  • Team landed 41 bugs over the last week/so far for this iteration.
  • Details of landings from the past week can be seen here

Firefox Mobile (mfinkle/blassey)

Work In Progress

You can find more on upcoming feature plans in the[roadmap]

Landings from the past week

Nightly (130)
  • Enable device storage on Android ( 886627 Bug 886627 )
  • crash in android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource is not a ColorStateList (color or path): TypedValue{t=0x1/d=0x7f0d0077 a=3 r=0x7f0d0077} at android.content.res.Resources.loadColorStateList( ( 987864 Bug 987864 )
  • Regression: Selecting "No video" option from the permission prompt still shows the content of the device camera. ( 1018928 Bug 1018928 )
  • Fail to launch webapp with TypeError: navigator.mozApps is undefined ( 1035867 Bug 1035867 )
  • MediaEngineTabVideoSource should set width, height and framerate based on constraints and prefs passed to Allocate() ( 1037488 Bug 1037488 )
  • don't use mozAfterPaint events to drive tab stream ( 1037644 Bug 1037644 )
  • No need to removeObserver in Snippets ( 1042502 Bug 1042502 )
  • Add extensive logging and descriptive crash data for library load errors ( 1042984 Bug 1042984 )
  • Tweak Browser:Quit to maintain existing support for add-ons ( 1043539 Bug 1043539 )
  • Reader mode (ambient light detection) prevents device from sleeping (holds CPU wakelock) ( 1043920 Bug 1043920 )

Firefox OS Communications (scravag)

Firefox OS Connectivity (vchang)

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Firefox OS Devices/Porting (ericchou)

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  • Gonk team (led by Thomas Tsai)
    • Team Summary
      • Tarako: Solving gating issues which were reported by Spice/Intex
      • Dolphin: SPRD PTR2 and perf issues
      • Woodduck: github code sync and function ready lists
      • Flame: waiting for T2M KK + v1.4 release
  • Bluetooth (members: Shawn Huang, Ben Tian, Jamin Liu, Jocelyn Liu)
    • Focused on WebBluetooth API implementation. Phase 1 (including discovering and pairing) is about to be done.
    • Developers from Google Chrome OS bt team mailed us to discuss more about WebBluetooth API.
  • Media Playback (members: Bruce Sun, Blake Wu, Star Cheng)
    • bug 1038134 - Audio playback pauses for 2 secs when home button is tapped - WIP (2.0+)
    • bug 941302 - PlatformDecoderModule for FirefoxOS - WIP (2.1 feat+)
      • A set of patches provided and got some positive feedback from partner.
    • MediaCodec Integration (2.1 feat+)
      • Bruce worked on followup bugs.
  • Device Storage & Stability (members: Alphan Chen)
    • bug 1039939 - [MTP] enable the functionality on windows 7 - under review (2.1 feat+)
    • Eric has been working on how to enable Engineering Mode for partners. (bug 997564, confidential bug)

Firefox OS Media (slee)

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  • bug 1039901 - MP3FrameParser sometimes gives wrong duration on B2G
    • WIP
  • bug 1023564 - Intermittent test_seek.html | owl.mp3 seek test 2: Video currentTime should be around 1.645: 0.918803
    • WIP
  • bug 916643 - ImageCapture - Implement WebIDL and takePhoto()
    • reviewing
  • bug 1043900 - MediaCodecReader should handle EndOfStream of output data properly.
    • WIP
  • bug 1037597 - Intermittent test_seek.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::AudioSink::Drain()] after "Assertion failure: mPlaying && !mAudioStream->IsPaused(), at content/media/AudioSink.cpp:208"
    • landed
  • bug 1042884 - Intermittent browser_audionode-actor-get-params-01.js | application crashed [@ mozilla::AudioStream::DataCallback(void *,long)] after "Assertion failure: mState != SHUTDOWN (No data callback after shutdown), at content\media\AudioStream.cpp:1037"
    • landed
  • bug 1038655 - Intermittent test_playback_rate.html | Current time should not change when playbackRate is null (2.333 2.000045)
    • landed
  • bug 996465 - Intermittent test_fragment_play.html | big.wav#t=5 fragment test: seeked currentTime is 5.675918 != 5
    • landed
  • bug 972826 - Intermittent test_load_same_resource.html | Test timed out.
    • landed
  • bug 1043111 - Allow mState==DECODER_STATE_DORMANT in MediaDecoderStateMachine::ResetPlayback()
    • landed
  • bug 1037370 - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /tests/content/media/test/test_fastSeek.html | uncaught exception - TypeError: v.parentNode is null at http://mochi.test:8888/tests/content/media/test/test_fastSeek.html:62
    • landed

Firefox OS Media Apps (hema)

Firefox OS Media Recording(pchang)

Firefox OS Performance (mlee)

Firefox OS Productivity (doliver)

Firefox OS RIL (htsai)

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Firefox OS Systems - Front End (gwagner)

Firefox OS Systems - Platform (timdream)

GFX (milan)

  • Desktop
    • Linux: bug 1015218 - Use Cairo image surfaces and XShmPutImage instead of XRender on GTK/Linux OMTC basic - landed. This will help us with getting Linux closer to other desktop platforms and be able to share more effort that benefits them all (by eventually moving to Skia.)
  • Mobile:
    • Looked at the home screen memory usage, and whether we have to switch to "four icons across" to help that situation. As of right now, four across helps compared to three across, but not enough to force us to do it, so the proposal is to go back to three, while maintaining the hunt for any less than efficient memory consumption.
    • Will try to switch Fennec to use the same APZ code as B2G (and eventually desktop), to put them on the equal footing.

JS (naveed)

Layout (jet/dbaron)

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Congratulations to our newest Module Peers:

  • Layout:
    • Daniel Holbert
    • Jonathan Kew
    • Timothy Nikkel
    • Matt Woodrow
  • Style System:
    • Cameron McCormack
  • Notable Fixes:
    • bug 1029718 -- 5.01% win8 tsvgx regression on mozilla inbound (fx33) June 19th from rev d004e867f67a
    • bug 1035998 -- Annotate painting with display item information
    • bug 1031726 -- Layout of clip:rect() is wrong when fragments is involved
    • bug 1038781 -- Changing the clip of an element invalidates the entire element
    • bug 1038521 -- background-blend-mode should not blend with white backdrop of the root element
    • bug 1034247 -- Scaled content is rendered wrong
    • bug 1039796 -- Make nsLayoutUtils arithmetic consistent for computing dimension from intrinsic-ratio & other dimension
    • bug 1003425 -- Opacity does not work with box-shadow, unless the background-color set
    • bug 863618 -- getBoundingClientRect on range with scaled (transformed) element returns wrong offsets
    • bug 1042423 -- Do css background clipping using DisplayItemClip
    • bug 1033391 -- Enable GeometryUtils APIs in privileged code
    • bug 1015474 -- Update min-width:auto/min-height:auto support to match updated flexbox spec language
    • bug 1031107 -- Always use display ports when tiling
    • bug 1032880 -- 40% of b2g mochitest log is made up of "WARNING: Transparent content with displayports can be expensive"
    • bug 789096 -- Layout with horizontal block flow and vertical text flow
    • bug 1043706 -- Error in parsing value for display related to ruby in ua.css
    • bug 1041075 -- Intermittent test_value_storage.html | Test timed out.; regression from mochitest structured logging, fixed with requestLongerTimeout()

Media (mreavy)

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  • Major improvements to GMP OpenH264 plugin stability and crashtests have landed, and automated tests - bug 1043531, bug Openh264, etc
    • Much of the work will be tomorrow's nightly
    • all of these improvements are going up to Aurora RSN; test improvements under way
  • Major improvement to MacBookPro speakerphone mode landed today
  • Fix for evil mac audio driver permanent echo when changing output devices (how in the world have they not fixed this?)

Necko (dougt/jduell)

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  • IETF meeting in Toronto last week: various efforts by ISPs to allow MITM in HTTP2 were rebuffed.
  • Some cache2 bugs with thread pool (bug 1042192) and off-main thread loads (bug 1026951)
  • discovered that B2G emulator returns wrong appID for apps (bug 1044333). Not sure yet if it happens on actual phones.

Performance (vladan)


  • bug 1017055: Pausing main-thread activities (e.g. GC + CC) while user is interacting with the browser
  • bug 1004911: Improving animation performance for directory tiles


  • bug 1045108: You should set expiration dates for your histograms
  • bug 1031032: Automatic Telemetry alerting
    • How it works:
    • Sample results:
      • Only Nightly channel is monitored. The scripts check for regressions in each buildID contributing to a histogram.
      • Both regressions and improvements are detected.
      • Black line: Histogram distribution for Nightlies from the two week period leading up to the buildID with the detected regression/improvement. This 2-week distribution has to be stable.
      • Red line: The distribution from the buildID containing the regression or improvement
    • bug 1037494: Specify e-mail address for sending Telemetry alerts



Seceng (grobinson)

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Shumway (tschneidereit)

WebAPI (overholt)


(Comments and questions that arise during the course of the meeting or otherwise do not have a section.)

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Friends of the Tree

There were great changes by volunteers in Core and Toolkit during the past week. Thanks to all of these contributors for their passion and hard work! Here are some highlights:

Mailing List Threads

(Threads that are likely to be of interest to engineering from various mailing lists.)

Good Reads

(Links to blog posts, books, videos, etc. that you think will be of interest to others.)

irc #planning Log From This Meeting