Support/Firefox4 Support Team

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The Firefox 4 beta support in the forums

With the upcoming Beta 5 of Firefox 4 Mozilla will - for the first time - offer support to a beta version. This is to encourage people to try the beta so we have wider coverage and can fix things before they appear in a final version.

The Firefox 4 beta support team will try to answer all questions of the beta users and at the same time gather information about potential bugs, so they can be fixed in the next update. All information will be collected on this wiki page.

The team will meet once a week on IRC to talk about the incidents of the last week and to decide which steps to take next.

If you want to become part of the team, put your name into the table below and follow the instructions to answer user questions and collect data.

The Team

Please add yourself to the list with name and nick in the forums, then signup here for the teams mailinglist. We will use it to inform the team about the latest news regarding the program.


Finding questions

Our new forums are great to drill down on specific versions of Firefox. To only see questions about Firefox 4 beta just use this url:

you can further modify the list by attaching more specific tags to the url. To only see beta questions on Mac OS 10.6 for example use:,mac-os-x-106

You'll find a list with all tags <a href="">here</a>.

Please go through the list and make sure, that no question is left unanswered

Gathering information about issues

If you see an issue which is new to you, please follow these steps to make sure the QA team can act on it, if its a valid bug.

  • Gather the following details about each issue (you can use this etherpad to help track the issues and share details with the rest of the team):
    • Links to forum threads
    • Firefox version(s) affected? Which operating systems?
    • Which add-ons?
    • Affected site(s)
    • Related bugs from searching Bugzilla
    • How often does it happen?
    • Potential workarounds?
    • Does this prevent users from using the browser?
  • See if you can reproduce the bug on your own computer. Ask someone else on the team if you don't have the necessary hard or software.
  • If you can't find related bugs for an issue and you can reproduce it, file a new bug with steps to reproduce and all the relevant details. Please ping Cww, zzxc and Topal on IRC when you do this so we know.
    • Note: if you are filing a security bug, please ping Cww in private.



Doing further QA work

As we figure out details the major issues, there may be followup QA work, if you'd like to get involved in any of these following steps, just offer! We'll be updating the etherpad with followup things that need doing. If you need help with these steps, just ask in #sumo or #qa.

  • Finding a regression range
  • Testing builds
  • Building a reduced test case

Next meeting

Every Thursday, 10am PDT in #sumoMtg (1pm Eastern Daylight Time, 7pm CEST).

Name Nick
Kadir Topal KadirTopal
Ricardo Maçãs Ricmacas
Victor Viictor
Moses J Bermea MJB
Jan Jan
Tom Ellins TMZ
Tobias Markus Tobbi
David Weir
satdav or davidow
Thomas F Geekid aka Taddle