
< Thunderbird‎ | StatusMeetings

Thunderbird notes 2019-04-02 NOON PT (Pacific). For meeting time, previous notes and call-in details see



Jorg K, Paenglab, marcoagpinto, damiano, pmorris, Marco, Ryan, Sancus, Christopher


Ryan's Links

Action items from last meetings

Current status / Announcements

Current Release Critical Issues

Version 60


  • Past
  • TB 65 beta 2 (2019-01-10)
  • TB 65 beta 3 (2019-01-21)
  • TB 60.5.0 ESR (2019-01-29)
  • TB 65 beta 4 (2019-01-29)
  • TB 66 beta 1 (2019-02-12)
  • TB 60.5.1 (2019-02-14)
  • TB 66 beta 2 (2019-02-21)
  • TB 60.5.2 (2019-02-25)
  • TB 60.5.3 (2019-03-05)
  • TB 66 beta 3 (2019-03-08)
  • TB 60.6.0 (2019-03-19)
  • TB 60.6.1 (2019-03-25)
  • TB 67 beta 1 (2019-04-02)

Upcoming TB releases

Round Table

Jorg K

  • Bustage fixes and management, regression fixes, crash fixes, reviews and sheriffing
  • Prepared TB 67.0 beta 1 and TB 60.6.1 ESR incl. all releng uplifts
  • Landed:
    • bug 1541013 Port bug 1442778: nsIScriptError.init has an additional parameter now
    • Port bug 1538060 Update non-Windows builds to clang 8: s/linux64-clang-trunk-mingw-x64/linux64-clang-mingw-x64/.
    • Port bug 1539847 rename to
    • bug 1540445 temporarily disable mozmill/content-tabs/test-lwthemes.js
    • bug 1540398 Port bug 1539356: mark more functions MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT
    • bug 1463266 fix typos in mailnews/, mail/, ldap/, chat/ common/, editor/, db/ using codespell
    • Port bug 1458385 Repackage windows builds on linux
    • bug 1539295 fix tab after auto-complete in mailing list add/edit
    • bug 1536517 Follow-up: remove customElements.js from print dialogue since it's not needed
    • bug 1491371 Follow-up: remove empty lines at the end of .gecko_rev.yml
    • bug 1536517 Add missing scripts to show custom element datetimepickers in reminder and print dialogues
    • bug 1538545 Rename VERSION define in nsMsgAppleCodes.h since it clashes with webrender
    • bug 1538352 Port bug 1535142: add binutils toolchains to more builds
    • bug 1480919 fix typos in calendar/ using codespell
    • Port bug 1536882 Stop specifying installer to download in windows L10n jobs
    • bug 1535964 create test for mailbox: URLs
    • Port bug 1535226 s/XP_WIN32/XP_WIN/ in #ifdef's in C-C
    • bug 1463266 remove trailing spaces in ldap
    • Port bug 1532783 Implement worker aliases
    • bug 1536663 Port bug 1375863: Remove/replace use of MOZ_CONTENT_SANDBOX
    • bug 1535292 temporarily disable test-attachment-reminder.js::test_manual_attachment_reminder on Linux and Windows.

Geoff (not attending, 8 AM in NZ)

  • Landed:
    • bug 1538585 - Add missing scripts to show custom element datetimepickers in timezone dialog
    • bug 1515877 - Turn on ESLint in mailnews/base/test
    • bug 1540010 - Bind gDownloadDirSection.readDownloadDirPref when called from a listener
    • bug 1539975 - In browser.addressBooks.openUI, wait for the window to load
    • bug 1523149 - Stop using multiple levels of overlays for Lightning prefs
    • bug 1539323 - Stop displaying preferences in a <deck> to prevent unnecessary overflowing
    • bug 1538588 - Correctly initialise attribute inheritance in date picker widgets
    • bug 1476725 - Fix tasks displayed in day view and week view
    • bug 1538593 - Prevent filter list check boxes from having focus
    • bug 1538592 - Make Gecko Profiler available to WebExtensions
    • bug 1536764 - Allow WebExt experiments to use MessageListTracker
    • bug 1536757 - Initialise calendar views prefpane correctly
    • Port bug 1246594 - Enable ESLint rule no-throw-literal by default
    • bug 1536268 - Remove unused code that uses eval from Protovis library
    • Stop considering some extensions for auto-approval


  • fixed de-xbl regressions
  • pushed the scam warning patch from josiah into tree
  • reviews



  • Website work and PR review.
    • finished about page merge, l10n and fixes.
    • deployed legacy: true approval queue patch.
    • various website fixes like wiki.mozilla link function.
  • added grouping to thunderbird notes.
    • edited old notes to match new format.
  • set unmigrated dictionaries to experimental.
  • rewrote stats to update automatically every day on both ATN and


  • Landed:
    • bug 1531870 [de-xbl] export menupopup as a base custom element class
  • In review, mostly done:
    • bug 1528201 [de-xbl] convert calendar-snooze-popup to custom element
    • bug 1530503 [de-xbl] convert calendar-alarm-widget to custom element
    • bug 1531296 [de-xbl] convert task-progress-menupopup, task-priority-menupopup and task-menupopup to custom element
    • bug 1534774 [de-xbl] minimonth (minimonth-header and minimonth)
  • In progress:
    • bug 1531096 [de-xbl] convert calendar-task-tree to custom element
    • bug 1504416 [de-xbl] Migrate calendar-list-tree, full-calendar-list-tree, and gdata-list-tree to custom element.





Question Time

Help Wanted

  • Add-on review on ATN