From MozillaWiki
- 1 Open Items
- 2 Roundtable
- 2.1 adrian
- 2.2 andy
- 2.3 basta
- 2.4 bsavage
- 2.5 cmore
- 2.6 dd
- 2.7 erik
- 2.8 gkoberger
- 2.9 jbalogh
- 2.10 jgrlicky
- 2.11 jlongster
- 2.12 jsocol
- 2.13 kumar
- 2.14 lars
- 2.15 laura
- 2.16 lcrouch
- 2.17 lonnen
- 2.18 lorchard
- 2.19 malexis
- 2.20 mkelly
- 2.21 morgamic
- 2.22 ozten
- 2.23 paulosman
- 2.24 peterbe
- 2.25 potch
- 2.26 rhelmer
- 2.27 ricky
- 2.28 seanmonstar
- 2.29 tanay
- 2.30 tofumatt
- 2.31 wenzel
- 2.32 wil
Open Items
- Allen Short rocking web apps!
- Q3 goals
- Recruiting update
- Way-back train: choo-choo!
- Security update
- Apps & Identity -- any questions?
- Working on ElasticSearch in Socorro, making sure it can be used in prod ;
- Unit tests FTW
- Great vacations last week, LA was boring but Vegas was totally crazy!
Favorite HP moment: reading the books. All of them.
- Chomping at the bit on the AMO App store and marketplace
- Moving AMO admin over
- Adding Arecibo into playdoh and some IRC bots
- Anything with Alan Rickman
- Working on validator stats
- Validator bugs
- Working with e10s folks and static analysis guys
Favorite HP moment was the one where I stayed at the office and played Minecraft instead.
- Socorro 2.1 bugs
- Building a prototype of DLL Directory (it works!)
- Learning Django/Python
- Harry Potter Personas work
- Favorite HP Moment: When the personas were finally uploaded and the project was launched
- HP7 landing pages/personas launched -- for better or for worse
- Affiliates in a holding pattern
- WebifyMe on a downward slope to launch on July 28th (fingers crossed)
- SUMO things:
- ready-for-l10n notifications
- suppressing approval notifications for approvers
- make emails threadable
- make logins last a long time
- merged vendor lib into main repo
- django-tidings 0.3 minor release: can now explicitly exclude multiple people when sending a notification
- Lots of Google Summer of Code design discussions. Did some work on the parser framework to make it threadsafe, re-entrant, and support node-transforming plugins. Our implementation now supports templates, even template calls whose output is then passed into other templates as params.
- Reviews of SUMO and snippets things
- Intern things
- Interviews
- Made a wiki page of things that won't translate directly to mobile on mozilla.com for the "Mobile in Mind" project: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mozilla.com/Mobile_in_Mind/Challenges
- Helping out Firefox Home (now "Project Pancake") team with front-end dev and design
- Wrote patches which allow mozilla.com and mozilla.org to be run under single domain
- Completed phase 1 of the email subscription service (https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mozilla.com/Newsletters)
- Rolled out Harry Potter campaign on mozilla.com
- Several other small bugfixes and discussions
- Lots of interviews and reviews.
- Tracking down some strange issues with user activation.
- Working on some search result improvements.
- Having only seen one HP movie and read none of the books: I love the way the Time Turner works. It's up there with Bill and Ted for my favorite time travel movies.
- Playdoh is way easier to upgrade now (more related changes on the way).
- Firefox 7 addon compatibility tests
- Fixes to upload UI in AMO's devhub
- Fixed some minor AMO bugs
- Flying broom stick joust
- Socorro
- code reviews
- prototyping the future processor:
- pluggable registration for either monitor or registrar
- pluggable crash source for either push from monitor or pull from Elastic Search
- pluggable crash processing for either original pipe dump MDSW or new json MDSW
- table based processing of crash parameters
- Potter
- Dumbledore meets Old West on tumblr: http://ourhecticglow.tumblr.com/post/7577692380
- nice comments only or I'll turn you into a newt and you won't get better
- Whippet, for some reason
- Working on Socorro 2.1 and planning for beyond that
- Perf review stuff
- HP moment: same as Brandon's
- MDN 0.9.8
- Went to Mt View for #devengage work-week
- Planned MDN 0.9.9
- Hacked up bugzilla-agile
- Harry Potter
- still working on that
- sprinting on MDN and 0.9.9
- resurrecting my BYOB install to fix CSRF stupidity
- bringing the Badger back
- favorite harry potter moment:
- when he discovers that it was all a dream and J.R. Ewing is still alive.
- Kickstarting Engagement Q3 projects such as:
- labs coding challenge
- Fall acquisition campaign
- EU retention campaign
- Get Involved form
- Firefox customization campaign
- Webgagement newsletter
- Getting Webtrends working on Persona and Addon snippets
- For that matter, working on the Addon snippet
- Getting to know Playdoh and starting on Affiliates backend
That one time when Voldemort killed Edward Cullen.
- hiring and recruiting
- goals and figuring out priorities with other teams
- the magical teleportation elf thingies crack me up
- Playing Four Square... a lot.
Favorite Harry Potter moment: Elijah In Sin City
- Working on Q3 goals for Betafarm
- Going to be in MV June 24 - 30 for Betafarm work week
- Stewarding Mozilla festival website
- Working on django_auth_browserid
- finished the sheriffs app
- landed various bugs in elmo
- started looking into the PTO app (in php)
- currently working on the re-write in playdoh
- launched live version of the Bayesian classifier with a REST API
- domain currently cloudclassy.com
- Impala, impala, more impala
- Helping at the WSOH
- Imagine how cool it would be to be all "Holy crap I'm a wizard". That part.
- Good progress on Karma
- Live chat planning and prework
- Making it better one bug at a time
- Who is Harry Potter?
- Finished backend for project (KB helpfulvotes metrics)
- Frontend finished (KB helpfulvotes metrics)
- Working on admin panel / aggregate page
Favorite HP moment: All of it.
I traveled around Eastern Canada and USA! Oh, then I came home, worked for a few days and got really sick. So I'm recovering. And can't really talk. But I'm focusing on Mozillians (Vagrant/Puppet and front-end stuff).
I'm not actually a Harry Potter fan; that basically makes me He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.
- interviewed a bunch of people
- made a ridiculously slow bcrypt implementation in pure Python!
- mozilla.org "One Mozilla" project work
- Successfully evaded the Harry Potter crazy for years now, I'm not gonna start with the last movie ;)
- Lots of progress on impala and open bugs in 6.1.6
- Jetpack
- Lots of planning here. Hope to have timeline for moving to JS builder by end of week
- Apps
- planning progress here and devs started in on separated chunks
- Allen Short!